

python w/ tkinter, matplotlib とか
matlab とかやってみたけど不便だし結局できませんでした

A 回答 (7件)

I don't understand what you mean, but maybe wxMaxima would help you.


By the way, python w/ matplotlib wants to emulate MATLAB. If you do not like MATLAB itself, you may not like python w/ matplotlib either.
Moreover, almost all programming language can do numerical analysis; therefore, if you would like to enter some equations, you have to break down them into fragments, that a computer, a programming language, or numerical analysis can understand; thus that quite often requires so messy processes to write.
On the other hand, Maxima is a program as Formula Manipulation System, that is close to Mathematica or Maple. It understands an equation itself. You don't have to break down equations.
I don't know what the hell Geogebra is, but I assume that what you need is a Symbolic Computation System like Maxima.
I hope wxMaxima would help you.
「geogebra みたいに」の回答画像3
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Thank you

Awww I was kinda waiting for your answer in case you didn't know and yes this one just looks fine~, but can I just use Mathematic instead? Is it what you meant??

お礼日時:2024/05/01 23:03

Probably what you really want to ask is "GeoGebra is a web service, but why is there no stand-alone programs like GeoGebra for PCs?".

The answer is "Yes, there are", but they have not just been famous.
In addition to that, there might be a stand-alone version of GeoGebra. I have not known that either(Where is an installer for Linux?).
And now I've checked out how GeoGebra works, and yes, GeoGebra is exactly another Symbolic Computation System, or technically speaking, a relative to Maxima, Mathematica, or Maple.

Let me explain the historical background of Symbolic Computation System.
At first, a computer itself was invented to process numerical analysis; in other words, it calculates a bunch of numbers, regardless of integers or floating points. Here came programming languages, which incompletely abstract mathematical variables to assign numbers; thus you can:

x = 1
y = 2
print(x + y)

as you know.
However, variables of programming languages lack complete abstraction. A variable must be assigned a concrete number; thus you can for instance not solve:

x ^ 2 + 2 * x + 1 = 0

if x has nothing. You have to assign a concrete number to x at first. That is why you have to do, for instance, Newton's method to assign numbers repeatedly.
A computer has to have concrete numbers to calculate, and you can not directly input equations. That is why you can not solve equations with dentakus, or pocket calculators.

By the way, at the late 1950's and through 1960's, computer scientists those days had got bored at numerical analysis. Instead, they became interested in the programs to react to, or generate output-"text" according to the users' input. That was the beginning of studying Artificial Intelligent, or simply A.I. In that study, someones were interested in generating mathematical equations, because the idea was very similar to "generating output-text according to the users' input".
The problem you see here is to handle "text", or "string" is a sort of annoying. Here came the programming language LISP, or the very first functional programming language.
Lisp programs consist of "Symbols" and "Lists". You can use Symbols as variables in ordinary languages:

(setq x 1)
(setq y 2)
(+ x y) ; This is evaluated to 3

In addition, it is O.K not to evaluate Symbols, that is called "Quote":

'x ; x is just x when you quote it

With this characteristic, you can handle symbols in a list to change into what you want, for example, differentiation:

(differentiate '(x ^ n)) ; you may easily get a list '(* n (x ^ (n - 1))) from the original one

This is the basis of Symbolic Computation System. No numbers. But you handle "Letters"(Symbols) with mathematical rules.
At MIT(Massachusetts Institution of Technology) had studied Symbolic Computation System with Lisp for a long time, then they completed a program called Macsyma. Later this became Maxima as free software. Behind it, the programming language, Common Lisp, run.
Mathematica, a proprietary program, was also influenced by Lisp and Maxima in its early days, though it is written in C, C++ and Java.
Anyway, in conclusion, Symbolic Computation System is one of results related to the very early Artificial Intelligent studies.
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You never bore me with your rich explication on literally everything (*´ω`*) it was quite a story and I didn't even know any of these
I guess I'll try Mathematica and see how it goes for now??
いつもすごい詳しくてお勉強になりました ;)

お礼日時:2024/05/02 09:03

> PC でつかえるまえにアイフォンでできちゃうこたの議論です

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お礼日時:2024/05/02 08:28

> but can I just use Mathematic instead?

Do you mean Mathematica?
If so, YES. Use Mathematica if you have it. I don't know exactly what it looks like (cuz it is so expensive that I can not afford it personally), but I've heard Mathematica is very close system to Maxima, or a Symbolic Computation System.
In addition to that, I've heard a lot of mathematicians and physicists love to use Mathematica. Universities buy for them! Envy!
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Maxia も大変良いものだが、

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PC でつかえるまえにアイフォンでできちゃうこたの議論です

お礼日時:2024/05/01 23:04

> どうしてこういうことができないの?

GeoGebra は PC でも動きます。
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お礼日時:2024/04/30 13:21

GeoGebra は PC でも動きますよ?


matlab が不便だというもの、わからん話だけれども。
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お礼日時:2024/04/29 15:11


