

They tell me
That in to each life
Some rain has sure gatta fall
They tell me
He that every body
Has sure nuff cried some time
It know if some rain
If some rain has gat fall
Oh every body
And I've had enough rain in my life
And I'm sure glad like that
I've got a little love around me
To keep the rain off mine
And I believe this
And I believe because

On the other night
Tell lay sleeping
I keep I held you
I held you in my arms
But when I woke up
And found out I was mistaken
You know that I,hung my
Hung my he head and cried
You are my sunshin
You sure make me happy baby
Oh when the sky'a are agray
And you'll never know
How much I need you
I don't wont to take my sunshine

You told me once you did that you really love me
And no one else could ever come between
But now you're thinking about leaving me
For another
Leaving if you do you know you're gonna shatter
Everyone my dream
Becouse baby! you're my sunshain
You sure make me good and happy
Oh when the sky's are agrey
And you never know how much I need you
I don't wan't to take my
Baby don't take my
You promise me
that you never leave me
You are gona might good light
Don't never take it away

A 回答 (1件)



They tell me みんな言うんだ、
That in to each life それぞれの人生には
Some rain has sure gatta fall 雨が降ることもある
They tell me みんな言うんだ
He that every body 誰もみんな泣いたがある
Has sure nuff cried some time
It know if some rain もし雨が降るんなら(?)
If some rain has gat fall
Oh every body そう、みんな、
And I've had enough rain in my life そして僕にも嫌と言うほど雨が降ったよ。
And I'm sure glad like that でも僕はそれでいいんだ。
I've got a little love around me 小さな愛を得たから、
To keep the rain off mine 雨をよけてくれる(愛を)
And I believe this そして信じているんだ、
And I believe because 信じているんだ、

On the other night あの夜
Tell lay sleeping  (?)
I keep I held you 
I held you in my arms 君は僕の腕の中にいた。
But when I woke up だけど目を覚ました時
And found out I was mistaken 僕は誤解してたことに気がついた
You know that I,hung my 僕は頭を垂れて
Hung my he head and cried 頭を垂れて泣いたんだ
You are my sunshin 君は僕の太陽だ
You sure make me happy baby 君はほんとに僕をハッピーにしてくれる、baby,
Oh when the sky'a are agray そう、空が暗い時。
And you'll never know 君やきっと知らない、
How much I need you 僕がどんなに君を必要としているか
I don't wont to take my sunshine 僕の太陽を失くしたくない

You told me once you did that you really love me 君はいつか僕を本当に愛してるといったよね。
And no one else could ever come between そして、誰も僕たちの仲を裂けないって。
But now you're thinking about leaving me だけど今は、僕の基を去ろうと思っている。
For another 他の誰かの為に
Leaving if you do you know you're gonna shatter (?)
Everyone my dream 誰も夢を見られよね。(everyone may dream だとすれば)
Becouse baby! you're my sunshain だって君は僕の太陽だから。
You sure make me good and happy 君は本当に僕を good and happy にしてくれる、
Oh when the sky's are agrey そう、空が暗いとき。
And you never know how much I need you 
I don't wan't to take my 失くしたくない、
Baby don't take my 失くしたくない・・・。
You promise me 君は約束したよね、
that you never leave me  絶対僕のもとを去らないって。
You are gona might good light (?)
Don't never take it away  決して取り去らないで(愛を、かな?)
    • good
    • 0



お礼日時:2010/08/16 23:55

