

(1) He was fully () that everything in the contest would go on as he had oridinally planned.

①considered ②conserved ③concluded ④convinced

(2) () this letter find you well happy!

①I am afraid ②I think ③May ④Will

(3) We searched everywhere for the dog, but it was ().

①not to find ②not to be found③to have not found ④to be not found

(4) Living () I do so remote from towns, I rarely, have visitors.

①as if ②like ③as ④even though

(5) There is no rule () has some exceptions.

①as ②but ③that ④which

(6) () was the force of the explosion that all the windows broke into pieces.

①So ②That ③What ④Such

(7) Your aunt hardly ever leaves her house, () ?

①is she ②does she ③isn't she ④doesn't she

(8) The catalog () that this year's model is slightly cheaper than last year's.

①says ②speaks ③talks ④tells

(9) There were () more students waiting outside than we had expected.

①many ②much ③too ④very

(10) () parents will go abroad next month.

①Her both ②Both her ③Her both of ④Both her of

(11) Our PE teacher, a () professional basketball player, is coaching the school team.

①previous ②late ③once ④former

(12)The new museum was () a large train station.

①ever ②former ③once ④previous

(13) You'd better not talk about such a thing () the telephone.

①at ②in ③of ④on

(14) Would you care for () more coffee?

①a ②far ③no ④some

A 回答 (2件)


(2)③~でありますように=May を文頭に置く
(3)②不定詞の否定語は not to~ 主語がit(the dog)だから受動態
(5)②このbut は関係代名詞で:否定語+that not (~でないものは…でないと両否定=肯定(「なんらかの例外のない規則はない」=(「規則にはなんらかの例外はある」)の意味
(10)③両親の意味なら both はあえて不必要
    • good
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⑴ ① 彼は 完全に確信していた。

⑵④ 〜でありますように。
⑶② 見つけられなかった。
⑹④ such that の倒置構文
⑺② hardly everは否定なので、付加疑問文はdoes she。
⑼② 比較級の強め
⑽① 彼女の両親
    • good
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