


The speaker must forget himself--- ()()()()()()() he is himself, human and fallible and weak.

(a) must (b) be (c) that (d) to (e) he
(f) aware (g) cease

(2) 自分が話している内容に熱中しているので、講演の上手な人は、立っている位置が正しいかとか、ネクタイが曲がっていないかとか、手の位置はおかしくないかとかを、考えたりはしない。

()()()()()()(), the good speaker does not stop to think whether he is standing in the right position, whether his tie is straight, or whether his hands are out of place.

(a) away (b) saying (c) is (d) by (e) carried (f) he (g) what


The speaker who has time to prepare what he is going to say has ready in his hand the best cure for stage fright---- he ()()()()()() he has self-confidence instead of self-consciousness​.

(a) prepared (b) thoroughly (c) that (d) himself (e) has (f) so

A 回答 (1件)

1 he must cease to be aware that

2 Carried away by what he is saying
3 has so thoroughly prepared himself that
    • good
    • 0

