


Death penalty had been recognized as an effective way to prevent cruel crime to be committed. However these days lots of people doubt if recognition is true as they see disastrous crime are committed by ones who seem to be crazy. I believe that death penalty doesn't worth going against the morale that we should not "kill" anyone.

Many countries have already abandoned death penalty. Japan is one of the few countries which still have it and sometimes be criticized that we are ignoring human rights. I doubt there should be any legal murder, too.

Also I think the ones who commit death-worthy crime are often too crazy to discard plans of crimes for their fear to death. Some are even eager to die. In these cases, death penalty is no longer effective.

Death penalty has another bad point. When officers implement the penalty, those officers who have to do their murderous job would feel guilty from their conscience.

Someone think it is unfair that criminals who killed a lot of harmless people won't be killed.
And others think that it's costly to keep criminals alive and those murderer don't worth getting benefit from taxes of civilians. But we should find the other ways to prevent crime to be committed without any immortality.

A 回答 (3件)


Death penalty had been recognized as an effective way to prevent cruel crime to be committed. However these days lots of people doubt if recognition is true as they see disastrous crime are committed by ones who seem to be crazy. I believe that death penalty doesn't worth going against the morale that we should not "kill" anyone.

⇒大体の訳: 死刑は酷い犯罪が起きることを防ぐ有効な手段だと承認されてきた。しかしながら破滅的な犯罪を頭がおかしそうな人たちが起こすのを見て今日日たくさんの人たちは疑う、その承認が本当なのかを。私は信じる。死刑には誰も殺すべきではないと言う士気に反する価値するがないと。



→ The death penalty was regarded as an effective way to prevent heinous crimes; however many people today wonder how valid the method is as the number of those crimes is still high. In such a light I believe that the death penalty is not worth going against our moral ethics that we should not kill others.

doesn't ではなく is not
morale = 士気
moral = 道徳観念

Many countries have already abandoned death penalty. Japan is one of the few countries which still have it and sometimes be criticized that we are ignoring human rights. I doubt there should be any legal murder, too.

→ Many countries have already done away with the death penalty. Japan is one of the few countries that still practices it and is sometimes criticized as ignoring the human rights. I am also of the opinion that there should not be any legal murder.

abandon は「捨てる、破棄する、残す、置いていく、放置する」など「そこにほうっておく」と言うニュアンスがあります。死刑のように既にそこにあるものを「そこにほうっておいても」なくなりはしないので「どこかへやる」と言うニュアンスの表現が適切だと思います。

死刑など法律は "practice" すると言う単語が使えます

"Japan ... is criticized" 間が長いので分かり辛いですが主語が Japan から続く文章なのでそのまま "is criticized" で大丈夫です。

"doubt" は「疑う」なので「法的な殺人がないべきことを疑う」のような意味になってしまうので使い方に注意です。
 例)I doubt I'll pass the exam. 「試験に受かることを疑う」→「試験に受からないと思う」

Also I think the ones who commit death-worthy crime are often too crazy to discard plans of crimes for their fear to death. Some are even eager to die. In these cases, death penalty is no longer effective.

⇒大体の訳: 私は思う。死刑の価値があるほどの罪を犯す人たちはキチガイすぎるから死を恐れて犯罪の計画を捨てないと。中には死にたがりだっている。そのような場合死刑は意味を成さない。

単語や言い回しがちょっとよろしくないかと。あと書いてる人の考えなのはわかっているので "I think" は要らないです。

→ Also, the ones who commit crimes that deserve the death penalty may sometimes have psychological issues where they have no fear of death. Some are even eager to die. In such cases, the death penalty no longer becomes an effective way to prevent heinous crimes.

日本でも「キチガイ」と言う単語がNGであるように英語で「キチガイ」と言う意味で "crazy" を使うのは偏見を持った人と見られます。なので "may" 「かもしれない」など和らげたり "psychological issues" 「精神的な問題」など別の表現を使ったほうが吉です。
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Doubt についての追加の質問をお願いしたいのですが、I'll pass the exam を否定する形で思うというのがdoubt なのだとしたら、「合法の殺陣があるべき」="there should be any legal murder " をdoubtは否定するから合法的な殺人はあるべきでないと思う

お礼日時:2017/06/03 11:46


Death penalty has another bad point. When officers implement the penalty, those officers who have to do their murderous job would feel guilty from their conscience.

→ The death penalty has another huge disadvantage. When the executioners carry out the penalty, they, who are performing the murderous job, must suffer from the guilt of taking the lives of others.


Someone think it is unfair that criminals who killed a lot of harmless people won't be killed.

→ Some people think it is unfair that the criminals who killed a lot of harmless people should be allowed to live.

someone = 誰か
"kill" の単語を繰り返しすぎて冗長になっているので可能ならば別の言い方を工夫してみたほうが良いですが、文法としては質問者さんの文章のままで大丈夫です。(won't は will not と書き出す必要がありますが)

And others think that it's costly to keep criminals alive and those murderer don't worth getting benefit from taxes of civilians. But we should find the other ways to prevent crime to be committed without any immortality.

→ Others think that it is costly to keep criminals alive and that they should not be living upon the taxes of civilians. The death penalty is not the answer. We need to think of other ways to prevent crimes without compromising our ethical integrity.

一応 and や but でセンテンスを始めるのは好ましくないので避けましょう。

質問者さんの文章には英語だからかもしれませんが若干差別的な発言を含む傾向があるように見えます。"those murderer don't worth getting benefit from taxes of civilians"「殺人犯に一般市民の税金の恩恵に預かる価値なんてない」は結構差別的です。「人によっては」そう言う考えの人間もいる」と言う話をするにしろもっと表現をやわらげたほうが好ましいかと思います。

× do worth 価値をする(意味を成さないです)
○ is worth 価値がある

immortality 不死
immorality 不道徳

あと最後のセンテンスですが "we should find other ways..." が前のセンテンスから文脈の繋がりがないです。前のセンテンスは「一部の人間の考え」を述べているので急に「我々は」とはつなげられないです。「(私が考えるに)死刑が解決策ではない」とワンクッションおいたほうが繋がります。
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のような感じです。doubtと繋げると should が「べきだ」ではなく「はずだ」になっちゃうんですよね。「法的犯罪が存在する筈かどうか。私は存在する筈がないと思う」⇒「法的犯罪が存在しない筈だと思う」

I doubt it should rain.


http://www.wright.jp/eikaiwa-benrichou/arekore-e …
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なるほど、should が違う意味にとられるのですね…

お礼日時:2017/06/05 10:19

