
I want to live in the big city rather than small town, because I think more convenient living in the big city than living in small town. I'm live in small town now, I have a lot of problem. Living in it isn't convenient. For example, the trains don't come soon. I usually wait more 20 minutes to catch the trains. It makes me upstet. If I don't catch the train which I want to ride on, I have to wait more 40 minutes. It is very unconvenient. Also, going shopping is big event for me. The small town which I live in has the few stores, so if I wanted to buy the clothes, I have to use the car to go to the stores for 30 minutes.It is not easy for me to buy something. I believe if I would live in the big city,my life would be more comfortable than now. I won't have to wait 20 minutes to catch the train. And It will be easy to buy something. That is reason why I want to live in the big city.

A 回答 (2件)

I want to live in a big city rather than a small town, because I think it is more convenient living in a big city than living in a small town. I'm living in a small town now, and I have a lot of problems. Life in a small town is not convenient. For an example, there aren't many trains on the route I take. I usually wait more than 20 minutes to catch a train. It makes me upset. If I miss the train, which I want to take, I have to wait another 40 minutes. It is very inconvenient. Also, going shopping is a big event for me. The small town which I live in has only few stores, so if I wanted to buy clothes I like, I have to drive for 30 minutes to go to the stores. It is not easy for me to buy something. I believe my life would be more comfortable than now, if I lived in a big city. I won't have to wait 20 minutes to catch the train, and it will be easy for me to buy something. That is the reason why I want to live in a big city.

できるだけ原文に忠実にproof read したつもりですが、、、
特に定冠詞に注意しましょう。 まあ、おいらも苦手だけどね。
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お礼日時:2017/11/28 16:33


続く第2文ではSV,SVという形になっているのは誤りで、andなどの接続詞が必要です。またproblemは可算名詞として使ってるので複数形に。第4文のthe trainsは特定の電車ではないのでtheはつけなくていいです。第五文のmoreはminutesの後ろにつけたほうがいいですね。第9文はbig eventは可算なので前にaが必要です。第10文はif節の中が先ほどは違っていたのに急に過去形にするのはよくないですね。またこの文の内容が書きたければIt takes 30minutes to go〜という構文を使ってみては。第12文のif節はif I lived in〜にするのが適切です。第13、14文は前の文との繋がりがイマイチなので前に接続詞や副詞が欲しいですね。最後の文はreasonが不可算名詞として使われているので誤り、ここでの理由という意味ならtheをつけるなりなんなりしましょう。
    • good
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お礼日時:2017/11/28 16:30
