
1John spent three hours fixing his car yesterday.
It ()John three hours ()fix his car yesterday.

2 He will succeed without fail.
He ()sure ()succeed.

3 Mary got sick two weeks ago.She is still in bed.
Mary ()()sick in bed for two weeks.

4. I paid 2,000 yen for the parcel to be sent by air.
It ()()2,000 yen to send the parcel by air.

5. You may make mistakes when you speak English,but don't be afraid of it.
Don't be afraid ()()mistakes when you speak English.

6. She insisted that l should stay there.
She insisted on ()()there.

7. I was scolded by my teacher because I didn't hand in my homework.
I was scolded by my teacher for ()()in my homework.


A 回答 (1件)

1. took, to

2. is, to
3. has, been
4. cost, me
5. of, making
6. my, staying
7. not, handing
    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2018/05/01 18:56
