
"I have a father" て、変ではないですか? "a" は要りませんよね?


A 回答 (15件中1~10件)

カニカマzumba さん

>>兄弟とは違い、父・母に have を使うことはあまりないです。
そんなことでも ない。have + a / an は常です。
I have a father.
I have an uncle.
I have a younger brother.

>>There are three people in my family; father, mother, and me.
それも言えますが、「there is / there are」は別のイディオムです。
There is my father, my mother, my brother and me.
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hinode11 さん

>>"xx I have father" も 変です
"xxx I have father" のみ 変です。

イエズスにでも父親がいるのです。Gott / god / 天父 神様です。
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t_fumiaki さん

>>xx I have father=私こそ父親の本源。

I have a father. のみ 使えます。不定冠詞が不可欠です。

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真の(生物学上の)父親のことを、ネイティブは biological father と言います。

日本より離婚が多いので、father といっても複数のことはザラですから。

逆に、"I have a father" とは、むしろ、私には何人もの父親はいなくて、たった一人しかいない、という意味にも理解されます。
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Hansard Corpus (British Parliament) という英国会議事録にある英文です。

I understand that between 5 and 20 per cent: of the population have a father who is not their true father

。。。any child who may be born as a result of the treatment will have a father by virtue of section 28 of this Act, and (b) account has。。。

。。。that of the child? Is not it better for a child to have a father, as part of the family unit?

。。。that any child born as a result of the treatment is required to have a father by virtue of that clause, married couples or partners presenting for treatment where the

。。。clinical geneticists tell us that about one in 20 of the population today have a father other than the one named in the birth certificate ":

。。。of the parental home and increasing numbers of children in my constituency never have a father in the home, so there is no paternal example to follow?

。。。that is a declared interest, I am proud to say that I have a father who was a railwayman and is a recipient under the pension fund: That is 。。。

: Does that give him the opportunity to vote? A child may have a father living in the home who is not his natural father: If we are charging 。。。

。。。resh relationships in the course of time and to have children who can have a father: Although she may say--; and probably would say out of love for him--。。。

。。。delight throughout the House than any other: I know that we traditionally have a Father of the House; I do not know whether we have a Child of the。。。

。。。primary education without a male educational role model: If they do not have a father at home either, they are very much adrift: Is that thought behind the。。。

。。。 that if a young widow wishes to give her children the opportunity to have a father again and a man in the family, that is extremely important to family life。。。

"a" は一つとか一人という意味を含蓄しますが、それ以前に一つとか一人の時に可算名詞につける枕詞ともいえます。
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さて、本題ですが、確かに生物学上基本的に "I" には一人しか父親はいません。ですが自分に限定しないのであれば地球上は父親で溢れかえっています。その為、その溢れかえっている父親たちのうちの一人、と言う考え方で可算名詞になります。

例えば "I have a father who loves to watch baseball(私には野球観戦が大好きな父がいます)" のように少し限定したとしても「野球観戦が大好きな父親」と言う存在は少なくないでしょう。

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>"I have a father" て、変ではないですか? "a" は要りませんよね?


というより、"I have a father" も "I have father" も変です。イエス・キリスト以外は誰にでも父親がいるのだから。

父は死んでない、生きてます、と言いたいのなら、"I have a father" ではなく "I have father" でもなく、"My father is alive" と言うべきでしょう。
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I have +「a / an 」+ 可算名詞

I have + 不可算名詞 (「ひとつの〜、ふたつの〜」言えない場合)
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I have a father who is always there for me.
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I have father=私こそ父親の本源。
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