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You should not send out a letter written at night.
こういう主旨の諺を知らないかと友人(アメリカ人)に聞いたら、いいたいことはよく分かるけど諺なんてあったかしら、私の好きなのはRestraint of pen and tongue、という返事。これだと、駟も舌に及ばず、ということで、回答にはなりません。

If you write a letter in the night, you should re-read it next morning before posting it.
It is often said that if you write a letter in the night, you should re-read it next morning before posting it. A letter written in the midnight is too emotional and dogmatic.
URL: http://tinyurl.com/djjnb (June 25, 2004の項参照)

As a man who wants to write a letter at night would have a lamp lit and then write the letter. Then he would put out the lamp, but though the lamp had been put out the letter would remain.
URL: http://aimwell.org/assets/milinda.pdf (P10参照)
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