
正解はhappierですが、happy やhappiestを入れることはできないでしょうか。ご教示ください。
Years went by. They had children,they grew older, the world become a slightly different world. Their son completed his studies in Belgium and went off to do graduate work in Germany. At the university there, he fell in love with a young German woman. He wrote his parents and told them that he intended to marry her.
The parents on both sides couldn't have been ( happy, happier, happiest ) for their children. The two families arranged to meet, and on the appointed day the German family showed up at the house of the Belgian family in Brussels.

A 回答 (2件)

ここのcould not have been 比較級、はなかば決まり文句のようなもので「この上なく~だった」という意味です。

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お礼日時:2006/07/22 08:05

一般的には、happier の後ろには than, happiest の後ろには of が続くと思います。

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