
Again, if teachers really want to be educators, to help children to develop into satisfactory men and women, and not simply to “stuff them with
knowledge”, they will only be really successful if they themselves have sound personalities.

(質問)上記のto be educatorsとto help~は同格用法だとこの文が載っている問題集には書いてあるのですが、不定詞句同士が同格になるというパターンは今まで見たことがありません。これは正しい情報なのでしょうか?(意味的にはそれでいいと思うのですが)更に、不定詞句同士が同格に成っている何かよい例文があれば教えていただけると幸いです。


A 回答 (9件)


their parents should accept life and live it as fully(1) [sic as?] possible
1. What is meant here by 'living fully' is the acceptance, rather than the avoidance of experience. For example, there are people who postpone marriage on the grounds that they 'can't afford it', long after this has (eased [sic ceased?] to be reasonable caution, or others whose lives are paralysed because of the fear of what people will think. Just as it is vital for parents to live their own lives as fully as possible and to deepen their understanding of themselves to the utmost, so is it important for teachers and educators to (to [sic do?] the same. When children go to school their teachers become, during school hours, substitutes for the parents, the children transfer to the teacher some of the feelings they I [sic to be deleted] have for their parents and are influenced in their turn by the personalities of the teachers. This mutual relationship is of more importance than any teaching method, and a child's ability to learn is continually hampered if the relationship is unsatisfactory. No amount of preaching, however well done, no principles, however sound, no clever technique or mechanical aids can replace the influence of a welldeveloped personality. Teachers cannot expect to be 'whole individuals', in the sense of being individuated, at least, not until they reach middle life or later, but they should live as normally and fully as possible, and extend their knowledge of themselves as far as they can, in order to avoid projecting their complexes on to the children in their care; otherwise they waste their energy and distort the alms of their more impressionable pupils. Again, if teachers really want to be educators, to help children to develop into satisfactory men and women, and not simply to 'stuff them with knowledge', they will only be really successful if they themselves have sound personalities.

if you want to~, you will beという表現もあることが分かりました。
If you want to promote responsible behavior, then you will be more successful in achieving your desired result if you use the term RESPONSIBILITIES.

この上でもう一度、課題の文に取り組むと、to help~の直前に省略があったというのは無理がありそうです。to help~がwant to help~と解釈するのか、educatorsの説明かは微妙です。個人的には後者としたほうがが分かりやすいと思います。


want to helpにせよ、educatorsにかかる形容詞用法にせよ、どちらだ!というのは難しいのですかね。なんせ「不定」詞ですから。

補足日時:2006/07/25 02:51
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 正直なところ,#7の方と同じように,この to help ~の部分が to be educators と同格であるかには疑問を感じていました。

私は,「~しようと」という感じの副詞用法ではないかな,とも思ったのですが,問題集で言っている「同格」という意味合いと,to 不定詞がこの形で用いられる例を挙げるにとどめました。

 #7の方のように考えても,気になるのは,"stuff them with knowledge", they will only ... というつながりです。knowledge" の後がピリオドとかセミコロンならわかるのですが,コンマですので,少し無理があるように思います。

>educators to (to the same
 ceased to とすべきところが (eased to となっている部分がありました。




補足日時:2006/07/23 15:02
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この文で、to be educatorsとto help~が同格とすると、they will only be really successfulが主節となり、どうも意味が通りません。

条件節が「教員が本物の教育家になりたいというのであれば」というのですから、それを受けて、主節は「XXXすべきだ」とか「○○○であることが肝要だ」という主旨になるはずです。この文の場合、to help~の部分が主節と考えるほうが文の流れとして理解しやすいと思います。しかし、文章としては不完全です。さて、どう考えるか、です。

幸い、課題の文の引用元と思われる論文が見つかったのでURLとその一部の引用を以下に記します。それを読むと、課題の文の少し前にJust as it is vital for parents --- so is it important for teachers and educators toという記載があります。とすると、著者はAgainという言葉で前の文を想起させ、to help~の前にあるべきit is vitalあるいはit is importantを省略した、と考えることはできます。

they will only be really successfulは直後の条件節とつながるのだと考えます。

Just as it is vital for parents to live their own lives as fully as possible and to deepen their understanding of themselves to the utmost, so is it important for teachers and educators to (to the same. When children go to school their teachers become, during school hours, substitutes for the parents, the children transfer to the teacher some of the feelings they I [sic] have for their parents and are influenced in their turn by the personalities of the teachers. This mutual relationship is of more importance than any teaching method, and a child's ability to learn is continually hampered if the relationship is unsatisfactory.

Again, if teachers really want to be educators, to help children to develop into satisfactory men and women, and not simply to 'stuff them with knowledge', they will only be really successful if they themselves have sound personalities.

An Introduction to Jung's Psychology: Education
Contributed by Frieda Fordham



>>著者はAgainという言葉で前の文を想起させ、to help~の前にあるべきit is vitalあるいはit is importantを省略した、と考えることはできます。

すごい分析力です。ここまでは分かりませんでした。でも#3さんの言うことも納得できるような(A, B, and Cで同格になっている)すこしこんがらがって来ました。

補足日時:2006/07/23 15:00
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My job as a doctor at the hospital to examine patients and relieve their suffering is very hard.(不定詞句)

これを同格表現であるとALC 英文法インデックスに書いてあります。relieve の前に to はありませんが明らかに examine と relieve を to の目的として、同格であると言ってますよね!
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 文法上,対等関係にある(名詞と名詞とか,不定詞と不定詞とか)二者を結ぶ場合,通常,and を用います。そして,このような二者が and がなく,コンマでつながれているような場合,後の方が前のものを言い換えている,という説明の仕方をよくします。and がない場合は,二者とはならずに,同じものを言い換えているのだ,ということです。実際には,二者を and なくつなげる場合もあるのですが。

 What you need is to be independent of your parents, to live only for yourself.



補足日時:2006/07/23 14:47
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They want to see the world afresh, and to discard all the accepted notions and prejudices about flesh being pink and apples yellow or red.
         E.H.Gombrich:The Story Of Art

この文章では to see と to discard がどちらも want の目的で、同格ですよね。ただ to discard の前に and がありますが、挙げられている英文でも、want の目的は、to be, to help, to"stuff, の三個で、三個目の to"stuff の前には and がありますからお分かりですよね!同格語句が三個の場合は三個目の前に and を付け、二個の場合は、直接 and でつなぐわけです。



>>E.H.Gombrich:The Story Of Art


補足日時:2006/07/23 14:45
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want の目的の不定詞で、want to be と want to

help , つまり to be も to help も want につながっていると考えれば、同格ですよね!
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