
There can be no denying that examples of an architecture entirely diffent from what our fathers were accustomed to have appeared on the scene during the last twenty years.

A 回答 (1件)

> There can be no denying that examples of an architecture entirely diffent from what our fathers were accustomed to have appeared on the scene during the last twenty years.

 There can be no denying ~であることは疑いない

 examples of an architecture entirely diffent from what our fathers were accustomed to の部分が主語。「我々の父親が見慣れていたのとはまるで異なる建物の例」 とでも直訳できるかと思います。

 have appeared on the scene during the last twenty years が述語の部分。「・・・がこの20年の間に出現してきた」 という意味ですが、appear on the scene は 「出現する」 という意味を表す表現。

    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2012/04/02 10:34
