
(1) inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods

(2) the totality of socially transmitted conduct patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought

(3) a chronological record of events, as of the life or development of a people or an institution, often including an explanation of or commentary on those events

(4) imaginative or creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value

(5) the rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession

a. ideology b. philosophy c. principle d. history e. ethnics f. culture g. identity h. literature i. psychology j. religion k. belief

A 回答 (2件)

あの~、、、、こんな所で聞くよりも、その問題文を検索すれば、、つまり(1)の答えを知りたかったら、inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methodsを検索する、、、すると、「b. philosophy」の定義だと分かるわけだよね、、、。


(1)は、b. philosophy
(2)は、f. cultu
(3)は、d. history
(4)は、h. literature
(5)は、e. ethnics

だと、、、分かるわけだ、、、これが、こういった宿題の答えを知る一番楽で確実な方法じゃよ。 なに、手遅れ!? わざと、一日おくれで回答しとるんじゃよ!!! 
    • good
    • 0

(1) i. psychology

(2) f. culture
(3) d. history
(4) h. literature
(5) k. belief
    • good
    • 1
