
If you’re a true romantic and can’t help that your heart runs away with you, don’t be afraid to show your true feelings and intentions.

という文があったのですが、can’t helpというフレーズはthat節がとれるのでしょうか?どういうthatなのか教えてください。

A 回答 (2件)

本来なら help it that 節

のように形式目的語 it を介在させるべきところです。

depend on it that 節など、that 節を目的語にできない場合に、形式目的語 it を置いて真の目的語として that 節を置く続ける手法です。

その it が落ちてしまったのでしょう。
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本来は -ing形をとるべきですが、-ing形は不定詞節の一種で、不定詞節も節なので、時制をつけて that節にしてしまうのも無理はない。

I could not help that I had the foresight to go to a prime location.
(The Brotherhood & Blue Venom, by Walter Brey : 2008)

Of course, I could not help that some people called the whole thing a “conjecture”, but I objected as often as I could.
(Serre's Problem on Projective Modules, by T.Y. Lam : 2010)

You have this false image of a nice guy that you can't help that women fall for you.
(Feelings in Collection, by Latoya S. Robinson : 2008)

You told Emily you couldn't help that you were in love with me.
(Saving Grace (What Doesn't Kill You, #1), by Pamela Fagan Hutchins : 2014)

..., though he could not help that his smile was a little strained until all five tickets clicked out of the roll.
(Platinum Pohl: The Collected Best Stories, by Frederik Pohl : 2007)
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