
The tension between the U.S and North Korea has risen recently. The U.S government sent their carrier to near North Korea and North Korea declared that they continue to develop nuclear weapons. They fired some missiles to Japan sea, though they failed. The U.S president Donald Trump said that he has all options including war, so it seems more likely that the war between and North Korea will break out.
In this situation, I was interested in Hashimoto's opinion. Hashimoto is one-time Osaka governor. He said that we must think which situation it will claim the victims of general people in South Korea and Japan more, when they go to war to stop their developing nuclear weapons or when North Korea has them. He said "This is the view of executors". If the war begin, there may be many victims of missiles which North Korea fired on in South Korea an Japan. On the other hand, if North Korea has nuclear weapons, it doesn't claim the victims soon. He think that North Korea may have them for that reason. In contrast, we Japanese should strengthen our defense capability like having nuclear weapons and a ability of destroying enemy's area.
I am almost agree with him, but have a fear. When North Korea has nuclear weapons, if they are given to terrorist, try to imagine how the world would be. It must be a terrible situation. We must think how we stop being this situation.


A 回答 (2件)

The tension between the U.S and North Korea has risen

recently. -> The tension has recently been further
intensified between the US and North Korea.

The U.S government sent their carrier to near North Korea
and North Korea declared that they continue to develop
nuclear weapons. -> The US government sent an aircraft carrier
close to North Korea, and in turn they declared that they
would continue to develop nuclear weapons.

They fired some missiles to Japan sea, though they failed.
-> They fired some missiles targeted at an area in the Japan
See, though they failed to reach where they were meant to.

The U.S president Donald Trump said that he has all options
including war, so it seems more likely that the war between
and North Korea will break out. -> The US president Donald
Trump said that he would have all options including military
operations, so it seems more likely that a war would break
out between the two nation.

In this situation, I was interested in Hashimoto's opinion.
-> In this situation, I am interested in Hashimoto's opinion.

Hashimoto is one-time Osaka governor. -> Hashimoto is a
fomer Osaka governor.

He said that we must think which situation it will claim the
victims of general people in South Korea and Japan more,
when they go to war to stop their developing nuclear weapons
or when North Korea has them. -> He said that we must think
about which option would after all claim a greater number of
lives, in Japan as well as in South Korea, to wage war upon
North Korea to keep it from having nuclear weapons any
longer or to let it have them.

He said "This is the view of executors". -> He said, "This
is the view of the executive officers entrusted to make

If the war begin, there may be many victims of missiles
which North Korea fired on in South Korea an Japan. -> If a
war should be started, there in South Korea and Japan may be
many victims of the missiles fired by North Korea.

On the other hand, if North Korea has nuclear weapons, it
doesn't claim the victims soon. -> On the other hand even if
North Korea should keep its nuclear weapons, it will not
claim lives right away.

He think that North Korea may have them for that reason. -> (Good)

In contrast, we Japanese should strengthen our defense
capability like having nuclear weapons and a ability of
destroying enemy's area. -> On our side, we Japanese should
strength our defense capabilities, which may include
possession of some nuclear weapons and an ability to make
assaults in enemies' territories.

I am almost agree with him, but have a fear. -> I agree with
him for the most part, but I also have a fear.

When North Korea has nuclear weapons, if they are given to
terrorist, try to imagine how the world would be. -> Try
imagining what the world will be like if North Korea should
sell some of its nuclear weapons to terrorists.

It must be a terrible situation. -> It is certainly going to
be a terrifying situation.

We must think how we stop being this situation. -> We must
think about how we will be able to avoid having ourselves in
that sort of situation.
    • good
    • 1

回答ありがとうございます。長くて大変だったでしょうけど、とても勉強になります。Thank you for your correction. I am sorry for my long writing but it is very helpful for me.

お礼日時:2017/05/04 00:09

These days tension is rising between the U.S. and North Korea. The U.S. government sent an aircraft carrier near North Korea. In turn, North Korea declared continued development of nuclear weapons and attempted to fire missiles into the sea of Japan. The U.S. president Donald Trump stated that he has an array of options including war, which hints that a war between the U.S. and North Korea seems almost imminent.

Under such circumstances, my interest was caught by the opinion of a one-time Osaka governor, Mr. Hashimoto. His opinion is that we must consider which scenario would affect the Japanese and Korean civilians more, North Korea firing nuclear weapons or the U.S. going to war with North Korea to prevent them from completing the development of nuclear weapons. He statess that this should be the perspective of someone who is in the position to execute these decisions. According to Mr. Hashimoto, once a war breaks out, North Korea will attack South Korea and Japan with missiles therefore causing great casualty to these countries. On the other hand, even if North Korea completes development of the nuclear weapons, it does not mean immediate casualty for anyone. Why not let them have their nuclear weapons, and in order to take preventative and defensive measures, Japan should also consider arming ourselves with nuclear weapons and other missiles that can attack the enemy soil.

I am almost in agreement with Mr. Hashimoto, but also fear the danger of North Korea possessing nuclear weapons. Imagine the unimaginable horror that the world may face if those nuclear weapons fell into the hands of terrorists. We should also consider how to prevent such things from taking place.
    • good
    • 2


お礼日時:2017/05/04 00:18
