

(1)I wonder (be/it/like/what/walk/would/to) on the moon.

(2) When the box fell,(inside/it/made/was/whatever)a loud noise.

(3) I was touched by what he was meaning to say even (much/left/he/thought/unsaid).

(4) An excitement at (being/of/prospect/the/well) came over me.

(5) My mother doesn't want me to (as/become/is/known/what)a "freeter".

A 回答 (1件)

(1)I wonder (what it would be like to walk) on the moon.

(2)When the box fell, (whatever was inside it made) a loud noise.
(3) I was touched by what he was meaning to say even (though he left much unsaid).
(4) An excitement at (the prospect of being well) came over me.
(5)My mother doesn't want me to (become what is known as)a "freeter".
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