

① Some people in the community require assistance in basic activities of daily living.
 ⇒ S+V+O
ア. We are encouraged by their thoughtful and reflective comments.
 ⇒ S+V
㋑. Michelangelo gained new perspectives on art in the Medici's workshop.
 ⇒ S+V+O
ウ. The questionnaire consists of three sections with a total of 20 questions.
 ⇒ S+V
㋓. Mother Theresa considered the day she was baptized to be her“true birthday”.
 ⇒ S+V+O

② Mary sat in the sofa, with the latest issue of her favorite magazine.
 ⇒ S+V
ア. Great works of artcan open our eyes to a totally new world.
 ⇒ S+V+O
イ. The reports illustrate the remarkable facts hidden inside the walls.
 ⇒ S+V+O
㋒. Every morning, he actor rises at five sharp to take his daily exercise.
 ⇒ S+V
㋓. Henry participated in the summer camp for children with asthma.
 ⇒ S+V

③ His life-long dreamwas to buy the house back where he spent most of his childhood.
 ⇒ S+V+C
㋐. The students were eager to have even a glimpse of the Olympic gold medalist.
 ⇒ S+V+C
イ. Christy was dreaming of her elder son Jim becoming a medical doctor.
 ⇒ S+V
ウ. Mr.Brown, his late eighties, made it a rule to walk for a full hour everyday.
 ⇒ S+V+O+C
㋓. The most wonderful thing ever to happen in my life was to reunite my brother I had
 ⇒ S+V+C

A 回答 (2件)


②のエは、SVO(participate in~ で他動詞扱い)
③のアは、SVO(be eager to have~ で他動詞扱い)
    • good
    • 0

そのなかに、participate in〜「〜に参加する」を列記してありました。

お礼日時:2018/01/28 19:07

1 エ

consider O (to be) C で SVOC なんでしょう。

2 よくわかりません。
Mary sat in the sofa, with ここにも抜けがあるんでしょうか。
participate in ~のような前置詞がついている場合に準他動詞的な発想をしているのかも。

3 単純に五文型というのではないんでしょうね。
be eager to は
S is to do で不定詞の名詞的用法というのとは根本的に違う構造です。
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2018/01/28 19:08
