
We would have been happy to help her if she would have come to us in the first place.
と、would をとった、
We would have been happy to help her if she had come to us in the first place.
の違いは何ですか? そもそもそういうつもりがあったら、ということでしょうか?

A 回答 (2件)

従位節の動詞の形は簡略化するのが普通なので、それが条件節にも当てはまったのでしょうけれども、アメリカ口語でよく条件節に would や短縮形の 'd が使われるのは非標準とみなされてきた、というのは、もう簡略化する方が正式みたいな一般認識になっていたのですね。

Wikipedia に今では標準とみなす意見もあると記されています:
"Such use of would is widespread especially in spoken American English in all sectors of society. It is not usually found in more formal writing; however some sources (ex. Longman) describe it as acceptable US English, no longer labeling it colloquial.
- If you would listen to me once in a while, you might learn something.
[A modal use like this is used in BrE as well]
'Would like' and 'could' are sometimes used in condition clauses FOR POLITENESS:
- I'll make a pot of tea if you would like some.
- Please help Mrs Brown if you could.”
(Wikipedia | English Conditional Sentences | Use of Will and Would in Conditional Clauses)

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仮定・条件を表す if 節は副詞節であるので、そこでは、will は用いられないと

英語の時間で習いますが、実際は if の副詞節中にも will は登場し、それは、日
We would have been happy to help her if she had come to us.
We would have been happy to help her if she would have come to us.
昔、Chicago というアメリカのバンドに、If She Would Have Been Faithful という
If she would have been faithful, if she could have been true, then I would' ve been cheated.
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