
英文を完成させてくださいm(_ _)m

「英文を完成させてくださいm(_ _)m」の質問画像

A 回答 (1件)

1. Animals should not be treated badly. However, I don't think they have the same right as humans have.

2. For thousands of years, many humans have lived on animals as an important protein source to survive.

3. Humans have been developing medicines for long time by medical experiments on animals.

4. Early human beings used animal fur as essential clothing to protect themselves from severe cold weather.

5. Humans have sacrificed many animals, but for the reasons mentioned above, I don't agree with those of whom saying that animals have the same rights as humans.
those of を使うとなると、これくらいしか思いつかないですが、人に賛成しないという表現より、普通に opinions を使う手がありますし、そのほうが良いような気がします。

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この問題集は成美堂のSmart Writingというものです

お礼日時:2018/12/12 20:50
