

1Counterfeits, on the other hand, are a little more tricky. Usually the buyer is seen as the victim of the counterfeit in that they have paid money for a thing that appears to be something it is not (a fraud, essentially). As such, it is usually not illegal to buy the counterfeit item. But selling it is another matter. If, upon discovering that one has purchased a counterfeit handbag they decide to sell it, that person really may face legal issues. At that point, the person has moved from (possibly) innocent buyer to not-so-innocent seller, perpetrating the fraud on someone else. This could lead to civil liability to the buyer, to the original manufacturer, and in some cases, even criminal penalties.

本文でのIf, upon discovering that one has purchased a counterfeit handbag they decide to sell it, that person really may face legal issues.
ぶぶんですが、if upon のuponは状態を表し「counterfeitを購入したことが分かって、それを売ると決めたとすれば」のような理解で宜しいでしょうか?またone/they/that personはそれぞれ同一の人を言い換えているのでしょうか?
All that having been said, counterfeit and knockoff products remain a booming industry in the United States, and it is unlikely to end in the near future. It is a difficult trade to police, and although government agents attempt to intercept the products as they enter the U.S., many more make it across the border and into local stores and online undetected. As a consumer, if you are concerned that what you are buying may not be the real thing, the best rule of thumb is to use common sense. Often, these products are priced significantly lower than the real item. So, if something seems to good to be true, it probably is.

many more make it across the border and into local stores and online undetected.
の部分で、make o cとの用法だと考えるのですが、ここでのmany moreは及びitははどこを指しているのでしょうか?解説よろしくお願いいたします。

A 回答 (2件)



[状態を表わして] …して,…中で.
on fire 燃えて(いる).
on strike スト決行中.
on the move 動いて, 落ち着かずに.
on the quiet ひそかに.
a bird on the wing 飛んでいる鳥.
walk on the green light 《主に米国で用いられる》 信号が青(の状態)になったので歩き出す.


make it は成功する意味の定型句で、it は特に何も指しません。この後に続くのは長い副詞句ですが、末尾の undetected は成功する時の様子を表す形容詞と思えばよいと思います。

many more products の意味です。
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2019/06/21 10:41


upon discovering that: that以下のことに気付いて
> one/they/that personはそれぞれ同一の人を言い換えているのでしょうか?

make it across the border うまく国境を越える[通り抜ける]
https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=make+it+across+th …
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2019/06/21 10:35
