
Q. What do you think separates a good leader from a great leader?

A. I think a great leader galvanizes lots of people and they feel the same sort of success that the leader feels. A good leader will get the mission done but will not galvanize enough people to share in the psychic and financial rewards of the event.

Q. But why do you think that some leaders have that quality to galvanize?

A. I think that a lot of it is inherent. I think there are in my leadership kit there are four things I look for in people: The ability top energize, have the edge to make decisions and then execute, get the job done. And the last two are clearly learned.

I think that a lot of it is inherent. の訳し方がわかりません。特に、 a lot of S+Vの箇所。

A 回答 (1件)

I think that a lot of it is inherent.

訳:私はその多くは 先天的/固有 (なもの)であると思う。

I think がこの文のSとV。
a lot of it がS
is がVで、inherent がCです。

it については、既出の that quality to galvanize を指しているものと考えられます。

    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2020/07/02 13:34
