

[Being teenager, they were] into skateboarding, Surfing, BMX, snowboarding, digging records with their friends.
Their favorite shoes were vans, converse, adidas samba, Those shoes were always worn out, dirty but beautiful.

Now, [turning] around 27-30 years old, they are working as graffiti artist, sound creator, fashion designer, writer.
On weekends, They enjoy skateboarding, surfing, mixing music like a teenage boy.
They’re currently wearing Salomon every day.

They probably know that “Shoes” are tools that tell life, and culture itself.

A 回答 (1件)

[Being teenager, they were]

---> Being ★teenagers★, they were

[turning] around 27-30 years old,
---> 文法的には正しいです。
    • good
    • 0
