
まずは、次の英文を星印の部分に注意しながら、チラッと眺めて頂けますか?ただし、リンク先のサイトは copy and paste を禁止しているため、私が自分で type したので、もしかしたら typo があるかもしれません

If you want to lose weight, the best accompaniment to a meal is the sound of your own chewing, a study suggests. Psychologists in the US have found that people consume less food when they can hear themselves eating. They believe the effect to be so powerful that even simply telling somebody that they are eating a crunchy snack makes them eat less. ★In★ a considerable benefit to those who cannot get through to a packet of crisps without making the noise of a small gunfight, experiments show that the more people concentrate on the noise of their meals, the less they eat and they think the flavours are more intense.
https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=Zcr7DwAAQBAJ …

さて、上の★印のついた In という単語の使い方は正しくて自然なんでしょうか?どういう意味で使っているらしいかは、もちろん想像できます。しかし私にはこれが不自然に見えて仕方がありません。もし本当に不自然なら、どのように書き直せばいいと思いますか?私なりに書き換えてみます。

原文: In a considerable benefit to those who cannot get through to a packet of crisps without making the noise of a small gunfight, experiments show that the...

私なりの書き換え: So it is a considerable benefit to those who cannot get through to a packet of crisps without making the noise of a small gunfight. Experiments actually show that the...

みなさんは、どうお考えでしょうか?英語ネイティブに尋ねようと思っても、paraphrase を求める質問は禁止されているのです。よろしくお願い致します。

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