







A 回答 (1件)

I live in Kumagaya City in Saitama Prefecture. Kumagaya City is well known as the Japan's hottest town. There seem to be two reasons why the city is so hot.

The first reason is that as the wind goes through big cities like Tokyo, it is gradually warmed up. As a result the wind has become very warm when it reaches Kumagaya City. It is thought that this warm wind is somewhat enhanced by "heat island effect" that man-made heat increases temperature in big cities.

The second reason is a foehn phenomenon. Wind blowing from west climbs over Chichibu mountains. When the wind goes down the mountains, its temperature rises and the air dries. The air heated in this way flows into the areas around Kumagaya City and raises temperature. Because Kumagaya City is well known for being hot, they sell T-shirts on which such copies as "So hot, Kumagaya!" are printed.

There is a famous local specialty called "Gokabou" in Kumagaya. Gokabou is a confection made from soybean flour and glutinous rice. It has become popular as a product which lasts a long time, and its name is known to the whole country.

Kumagaya is not a big city, but I think that it is a livable town. In summer we hold a big festival called "Uchiwa Matsuri" or a round fan festival, which not only local people but also many people from other places participate in and enjoy.

In addition, Kumagaya has a famous dome that is called Kumagaya Dome, which is used for the National Athletic Meet. The athletic stadium is also used for J-league matches.
    • good
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お礼日時:2011/08/04 17:17
