

(1) I told her again () to mail the letter for me.

①on a way ②in the way ③so as ④to be sure

正解 ④

(2) It is dangerous to use a mobile phone () driving a car.

①as ②during ③on ④while

正解 ④

(3) Who do you think it was () called me so late last night ? I got so angry that it took me an hour to go back to sleep.

①which ②what ③whom ④that

正解 ④

(4) () in the world of literature, that author was finally recognized as a major novelist long after he had died.

①lf it happens ②For it happens often ③When it happens ④So frequently it happens ⑤As sometimes happens

正解 ⑤

A 回答 (1件)

(1) I told her again () to mail the letter for me.

"tell" がとる構文は SVOO、SVO to O、SVO(人) to do。
「told+人」ときたら、あとは名詞か to do が来なければならない。
だから、④to be sure しか選べない。

(2) It is dangerous to use a mobile phone () driving a car.

Ving をとれるのは ③on か ④while。

(3) Who do you think it was () called me so late last night ? I got so angry that it took me an hour to go back to sleep.

疑問詞 who を元の位置に戻して平叙文にすると、
You think it was X(=who) ( ) called me so late last night.
つまり、it is X that の強調構文。だから正解は ④that。
X(=who) は人で主語なので、①which ②what ③whom は無理。

(4) () in the world of literature, that author was finally recognized as a major novelist long after he had died.

まず文法的にダメなのは、②For it happens often。
for の後に文が来ているから、この for は接続詞のはず。しかし、接続詞の for はbecause と同じ意味だが、「主節の後に置き, 通例コンマやセミコロン, ダッシュで区切られそこで軽い休止が置かれる」(ジーニアス)ものだから、アウト。

次に ④So frequently it happens もダメ。
so が文頭に来るときには倒置しなければならないので、
So frequently does it happen ならまあいい。

①lf it happens は意味がおかしい。

③When it happens も意味がおかしい。

⑤As sometimes happens の as は関係代名詞って、習うのかな。
As is often the case「よくあることだが」
as was usual with him「(かれにとっては)いつものように」
    • good
    • 1
