

(1)Galaxies, the building blocks of the [①visible] universe,are [②enormously] systems of stars [③bound] together by gravity and [④scattered] throughout space.

(2) Edward S. Curtis spent three [①decades] photographing Native Americans in the early 20th century, taking more 40,000 images in the process. The exhibition he mounted of his work [②traveling] around the country, offering many their first true glimpse of American Indians, [③whose] numbers [④had already started] dwindling.

(3) George Orwell's best work was [①political], but his politic ideas [②were] difficult to pin down. Shy in person, though vehement on the page,he could fairly describe [③him][④as] simultaneously a left-wing socialist,an anti-communist and a Tory anarchist.

(4) According [①to] a Dutch journalist,many of the UN soldiers,in their trademark baby-blue hats, come from poor [②developing] countries. Often they are asked [③for keeping]a peace that never [④existed] or to restore an imaginary democracy.

(5) In using the computer, please [①refer to] the manual [②if] you [③will not] understand how to use it; also,[④make] sure to save your work often.

A 回答 (2件)

5 副詞節の if なので

③ do not
    • good
    • 0

1 ② enormous

2 ② traveled
3 ③ himself
4 ③ to keep
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2017/05/29 22:20
