
The piglet was sitting on the ground at the door of his house blowing happily at a dandelion, and wondering whether it would be this year, next year, sometime or never. He had just discovered that it would be never and was trying to remember what 'it" was, and hoping it wasn't anything nice, when Pooh came up.

Winne-the-Poohの一部なのですが、wondering以下の内容がうまくつかめません。ネイティブの方にも質問してみたのですが、まだよく分かりません。https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/could-yo …

A 回答 (1件)

The piglet was sitting on the ground at the door of his house blowing happily at a dandelion, and wondering whether it would be this year, next year, sometime or never. → 子豚は家の入り口の地面に座り、楽しそうにタンポポを吹いていた、そしてそれが今年のことなのか、来年のことなのか、いつのことなのか、あるいは全くあり得ないことなのか、思いをめぐらしていた。

He had just discovered that it would be never and was trying to remember what 'it" was, and hoping it wasn't anything nice, when Pooh came up. → 子豚はそれは全くあり得ないだろうということに気づき、そして「それ」が何なのかを思い出そうとし、それが良い事でないことを願っていた、その時プーが出てきた。

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お礼日時:2017/07/05 05:40
