

This mamma had a great jar in her house. The jar was too heavy for Marie. It was this mamma herself who used to go for water. One day she took that jar to go for water. When this mamma had got to the fountain , she could not find any one to load her. She stood there, crying out, "Any good Christian, come load me!"

..... As the mamma stood there she saw there was not a single good Christian to help her load. She stood there, and cried out: "Well, then, if there are no good Christians, there are bad Christians. Any bad Chris- tian, come and load me !”

The moment she said that, she saw a devil coming, who said to her, "If I load you, what will you give me? ”
This mamma answered, and said "I have nothing!" The devil answered her, "Must give me Marie if you want me to load you."

A 回答 (1件)


マリーにとってはその壺は重過ぎた。よく水を汲みに行っていたのはこの母親自身だった。ある日、彼女はその壺を持って水を汲みに出かけた。噴水のところに着いた時、彼女は自分を手伝ってくれる人が誰もいないことが分かった。 彼女はそこに立ち尽くし、「どなたか親切な方、私を助けて下さい!」と叫んだ。


この母親は答えた。「私には何もありません!」。 悪魔は彼女にこう答えた。「お前が助けてほしいなら、俺にマリーをよこすことだ」。
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