【大喜利】【投稿~9/7】 ロボットの住む世界で流行ってる罰ゲームとは?

①There ()nothing to do, we kept talking
1.are 2.be 3.being 4.is

②May Iuse your car? Mine has ()
1.broken down 2.broken out 3.out of order
4.short of order

③Nick is not your friend. A true friend ()you get through the tough times you are having
1has helped 2 helped 3 is helping 4 would help

④We need to find out () fault it was .then ask that person to fix it
1one's 2their 3where 4whose

⑤I know I have little hope,()of succeeding. Still,I won't give up
1if any 2 if only 3if possible 4ifso

⑥l overslept this morning,so I asked my mother to ( ) me off at the station on her way to work
1 drop 2 hold 3 give 4 pick


  • 教えてください

      補足日時:2019/01/18 22:25

A 回答 (1件)

① 3

② 1
③ 4
④ 4
⑤ 1
⑥ 1
    • good
    • 0
