

A 回答 (9件)

英語でいうとしたら、call buttonでいいと思う。

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Nurse callは和製英語ではありません。




Patient-Nurse Call System/Getting Out of Bed
You can call your nurse from your bedside at any time if you need help getting out of bed. When you press the "call" button at your bedside, the nursing staff is alerted that you need assistance and will respond as soon as possible.

Calling Your Nurse
If you need to contact your nurse at any time, press your nurse call button that is located on your television control. Patient rooms also have an intercom at bedside that allows the patient to speak directly with the nurse at the nursing station. For additional safety, there is an emergency call button located in every patient bathroom.

Patient Safety
Patient safety is of utmost importance. Medication, weakness caused by illness, and an unfamiliar environment can cause falls. If you are placed at bed rest and need something not at your bedside, please use the call button provided.

Pendant Push Button
For use as a patient's call button in hospitals and institutions.

Aged Care
Within an aged care environment, where a paging system is primarily used as an extension to nurse call systems, BASEPage2000 will report patient calls directly to hospital pagers. Aged care environments can integrate the facilities of their paging system with nurse call systems so that a carer can be contacted simply, quickly and reliably when a resident presses a nurse call button for assistance.

Call Buttons: Press the nurse call button located on the speaker attached to your bed or your bed's side-rail. Also, each bathroom has an emergency nurse call button.

There is a nurse call button on or near your bed. Please use this button if you need assistance. The nurse will answer you through an intercom system. Tell her what you need. You do not have to press the button again to be heard.

Calling Your Nurse - A button to call your nurse is located at your bedside. Talk in a normal voice. It is not necessary to yell.

If you need assistance while in the bathroom, pull the cord on the wall labeled "nurse call." It alerts the nursing staff that you need assistance, but does not act as an intercom.

During the Night - Please stay in bed after you have been prepared for the night. Strange surroundings and medications to assist with sleep may create a hazard if you get out of bed. For assistance during the night, use your call button.

Your Room
When you require assistance, push the call button on the console next to your bed. You will be connected to the nurses’ station. The bathroom is also equipped with an emergency call cord. The console also operates your room lights, radio and television.

Nurse Call
There is a nurse call button at your bedside and in your bathroom. Do not hesitate to call for assistance when you need it. If you are not sure how to use the call button, ask your nurse to show you. Your call button should be easily accessible at all times.
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#5 さんの "nurse's bell" は Google で Web 全体を検索してもわずか 43 件 (実質 18 件) しかヒットしません。


また、#7 さんの「何かあったら、ナースコールで呼んでください」などという言い方を、看護士が患者に対して使うことはあまりないでしょう。

英語サイトで "nurse call system" を検索すると 17,800 件もヒットし、現に販売されている製品類が多数見つかることから、nurse call が和製英語ではなくれっきとした英語であることは明らかだと思いますが。

参考URL:http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=ja&q=%22 …
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なんかね、Nurse Callは今もはや言わないと思いますよ。

21歳の僕には聞いたことないけど、言われたら意味を想像できる。50歳を超えた母親は言うらしい。飛行機のベルのこともNurse Callと言ってるらしい。しかも、15歳の妹にはNurse Callは全く通じない様子。
僕だったら、「何かあったら、ナースコールで呼んでください。」を言うところに Please ring the bell if you have any troubles. または Please buzz me if you need anything (なんかあったらベルで呼んでね)
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Please use the nurse call if you have any trouble.

おっしゃるように bell や button を使うのでしょうが、
今や、日本語でもそれ自体をひっくるめて「ナースコール」と言ってしまう位ですので、nurse call で通じると思いますよ。
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"nurse call"は和製英語です。

英語では"nurse's bell"です。
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Google で検索すればたくさんヒットします。

ナースコールのシステム全体を指すなら nurse call system
http://www.aiphone.com/Product_Pages/Current_Pro …

呼ぶ側のボタンは (nurse) call button あるいは単に button

呼ばれる側は responder や annunciator
http://www.tektone.net/tekcarenc110n-nc150n-nc20 …

参考URL:http://images.google.com/images?q=%22nurse-call% …
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患者さんが具合が悪くなったときに看護師の人を呼び出すことでしたら、"Nurse call" で普通に意味は通じるんじゃないでしょうか。

Google で nurse call で検索したら、海外のナースコールの製品(nurse call system関係、wirelessのものなど)がいっぱい出てきました。日本語とほぼ同じ意味で使っているように見受けられます。
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補足日時:2004/11/23 09:56
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