

A 回答 (5件)

My husband loves mabo-tofu and has a thing about the texture. I

always take care to get its consistency right.
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My husband loves mapo tofu, but he's picky about the texture, so

ays have to be careful to make sure it's the right consistency.
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My husband loves Mapo tofu. As he is particular about the texture, I'm always careful about the thickness to be perfect for him.

こだわりがある particular about~
気を使う careful about~
the thickness to be perfect for him
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My husband likes mapo tofu very much, but he favors his own textu

re. So I'm always trying hard to acquire optimum thickness he is into.
    • good
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My husband loves Mabo Tofu, but he is particular about the textur

e and always takes care to make it the best thickness.
    • good
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