

Recently, due to the spread of COVID-19, many universities have introduced online classes.
However, there are some disadvantages points such as that students can’t concentrate much on them.
Under the circumstances, I suggest developing an application to relieve the situation under the designation of, such as, “Comprehension Check App”.
This application enables you to understand the content of the lesson by checking some items, after that, you can see a text that summarizes what you didn’t understand.
Although teachers need to prepare some documents before the lesson, once they make them, they can streamline the class preparation from now on.
In conclusion, this idea of “Comprehension Check App” will greatly contribute to the online class.

A 回答 (9件)

> Although teachers need to prepare some documents before the lesson, once they make them, they can streamline the class preparation from now on.

Although _instructors_ need to prepare some documents _for the class_ prior to the lesson, _the documents will contribute toward streamlining_ the class preparation _thereafter_.
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お礼日時:2020/08/13 10:00

> In conclusion, this idea of “Comprehension Check App” will greatly contribute to the online class.

In conclusion, “Comprehension Check App”, if materialized, will greatly contribute to (or toward) better utilizing the online class experience.
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No. 4の訂正

> Under the circumstances, I suggest developing an application to relieve the situation under the designation of, such as, “Comprehension Check App”.

Under the circumstances, I suggest, to relieve the situation, developing an application named, for example, “Comprehension Check App”.
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No. 5の訂正

> If you select a desired topic on the screen, you will be able to see text that describes the topic in more detail.

If you select (or click) a desired topic (or term) on the screen, you will be able to see text that summarizes the topic (or term).
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> This application enables you to understand the content of the lesson by checking some items, after that, you can see a text that summarizes what you didn’t understand.

この文章で"you"という表現が不適切とする回答No. 1のお父さんのご指摘は如何なものかと思います。「読み手」に対して"you"と語りかけてもなんら差し支えはないでしょう。
This application enables you to _better understand_ the content of the lesson. If you select a desired topic on the screen, you will be able to see text that describes the topic in more detail.
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お礼日時:2020/08/13 10:15

> Under the circumstances, I suggest developing an application to relieve the situation under the designation of, such as, “Comprehension Check App”.

"under the designation of"は"under the name of"でもOKかなと思って調べてみましたが、"under the name of"は「本名ではなくて偽名で、またはペンネームで」のような意味合いで使われるようですので、この場合はやはり"under the designation of"とすべきでしょう。また、この場合は名称が決まっているわけではないので"such as"というような表現が必要となります。
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> However, there are some disadvantages points such as that students can’t concentrate much on them.

However, there are some disadvantages to the online class schemes. For example, it is rather not easy for students to concentrate much on their study during the classes.
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"under the circumstances"は慣用表現として問題はないでしょう。


https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/en/circumstanc …

Definition of under the circumstances
: in this specific situation
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/under …

under the circumstances
Fig. in a particular situation; because of the circumstances. I'm sorry to hear that you're ill. Under the circumstances, you may take the day off. We won't expect you to come to work for a few days, under the circumstances.
See also: circumstance
https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/under+the+c …

under/given the circumstances
(also in the circumstances British English) used to say that a particular situation makes an action, decision etc necessary, acceptable, or true when it would not normally be
https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/under-giv …
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disadvantages points ⇒ disadvantages
such as 2文に分けたほうが、すっきりするかもしれない。
can't ⇒ difficult for などを使ったほうが、良いかも。
on them ⇒ them がstudents何を差しているかわかりにくいです。 online classes と明示したほうが良いです。
the circumstances ⇒ 一個しか状況を説明していないので、this circumstance かな?
designation 使いたいんでしょうけど、大風呂敷の割には内容が貧相な気がします。 
such as は~のようなのような意味になってしまいますので、いらないです。 
This application enables you  ⇒ (前も言いましたけど)このような文ではyouは不適切です。 youというのは文を読んでいる人のことです。 生徒のことなら、students としてください。 この文も長くて意味が不明瞭です。 アプリがどういうものなのかを最初に説明して、その効果を別な文にして効果がある理由とともに書きましょう。
Although teachers need to prepare some documents before the lesson, once they make them, they can streamline the class preparation from now on.
2文に分けましょう。 they can のtheyも明示したほうが良いと思います。 あとnow onって、今現在からという話ではないので、変えましょう。
teachers, lesson はuniversitiesの講義としては,若干違和感があります。

全体的にはどういうアプリなのかの説明をもう少し加えましょう。 イメージがあまり伝わってきません。
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