
At the time when I was accepted in the creative writing course at the University of East Anglia, it was the only one in Britain that was an accredited master’s degree. And even at that university, it was not respected. The traditional English dons thought it was a ridiculous thing. It’s only because it was run by this very powerful and esteemed novelist and academic, Malcolm Bradbury, that it was allowed to run. And even then people didn’t apply for it. The year before I went, it didn’t run because nobody had applied, and the same the year after.


it was allowed to run という文とit didn't run という文について質問があります。おそらく「〜を運営する」みたいな意味だと思うのですが、この意味だと他動詞で目的語が必要だと思うのですが、2つともありません。
本来ならrun the courseみたいな、、


A 回答 (3件)


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It’s only because it was run by this very powerful and esteemed novelist and academic, Malcolm Bradbury, that it was allowed to run. = TRANSITIVE

it didn’t run because nobody had applied, and the same the year after. = INTRANSITIVE
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この"run" は自動詞です。

novelist and academic, Malcolm Bradbury, that it was allowed to run.

And even then people didn’t apply for it.

The year before I went, it didn’t run because nobody had applied, and the same the year after.

Learner's definition of RUN
[no object]
a : to move with your legs at a speed that is faster than walking
How fast can you run?
He runs faster than anyone else on the team.
She ran up the stairs to get her jacket.
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