

A 回答 (5件)


 It is not clear why young people finish eating dish by dish if all dishes are served once. This looks like they have an eating style of a course meal although they have hardly experienced a course meal and a fancy restaurant. In course meal, a la carte is served for each diner, as diners eat each dish, next dish is brought out sequential. Fancy restaurants, or Kappou and Ryoutei basically serve course meals of Western, Chinese or Japanese styles accompanying alcoholic beverages. です。
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No. 2 での僕の回答を、以下の通り修正します。

(1) 洋食や中華料理だけでなく、日本料理においても割烹や料亭など、酒と一緒に供されるコース料理では、客の飲み具合・食べ具合に合わせて一品ずつ料理が出てくるのが基本であるが、
Not only in Western and Chinese cuisine, but in Japanese dishes as well, in course meals in kappo or ryotei restaurants or other Japanese restaurants, they basically serve dishes one by one according to the pace at which customers ★are eating and drinking★.

理由:今回での文脈では、「そのときに(その日に)客が飲んだり食べたりしている具合に合わせて」という意味合いだろうと思うので、進行形の方がふさわしいと思いました。このことは、No. 1 さんの英訳を読んでいるうちに感じさせてもらったことです。
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Not only Western and Chinese dishes, but also Japanese dishes, su

ch as kappo and ryotei, usually serve one dish at a time according to the way customers drink and eat, but it is unclear why the younger generation, who have little experience eating and drinking, eats and drinks.
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(1) 洋食や中華料理だけでなく、日本料理においても割烹や料亭など、酒と一緒に供されるコース料理では、客の飲み具合・食べ具合に合わせて一品ずつ料理が出てくるのが基本であるが、

Not only in Western and Chinese cuisine, but in Japanese dishes as well, in course meals in kappo or ryotei restaurants or other Japanese restaurants, they basically serve dishes one by one according to the pace at which customers eat and drink.

(2) そうしたところで飲食する経験の少ない若い世代がなぜ片付け食いをするかは不明となっている。
It's unknown why young people not much experienced in such places eat up one dish, then go on to a next one and eat it up, then another.
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Not only in Western and Chinese cuisine, but in Japanese cuisine

as well, at kappo or ryotei (Japanese-style restaurants), dishes are usually served one at a time, depending on how much the customer is drinking and eating. However, it is unclear why the younger generation, who have less experience in eating and drinking in such places, also eat only one dish at a time
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回答ありがとうございます。the younger generationは単数形なのに、なぜhasではなくhaveを使うのでしょうか?

お礼日時:2021/11/25 13:43
