
英語の文を読んでいたらよくでてきたり、HPのタイトルにもよくなっているstop and smell the rosesの語源をしりたいのです。意味はわかるのですが。

A 回答 (4件)



たしかに、"stop and smell the tulips"という表現も結構あるようですが、・・・。



Sorry to say, "stop and smell the roses" is NOT from the Bible. Although a "Rose of Sharon" is mentioned in Song of Solomon it does not seem to have any relation to the phrase.

I found a website that claims "stop and smell the roses" is of Danish origin. The two most famous Danes I can think of are Soren Kierkegaard and Hans Christian Andersen. It doesn't really seem like either of those two would have coined it. Hamlet was a fictitious Dane. Ringo Starr wasn't secretly from Denmark, was he?

Maybe it was originally an anti-Netherlands statement used in Denmark. Perhaps they got tired of all the Dutch saying "stop and smell the tulips". (Please do not accept that as the origin, I made that last part up.)


And it doesn't sound like either. In fact, it doesn't sound Danish at all. "Speech is silver, but silence is golden" is typically danish, and it's often used. But "Stop and smell the roses" is not. In fact, I can't even translate it into something that sounds like a danish proverb.


Another website quoted the source as Russian, but did not provide any more details.

Take time to smell the roses.
Source: (Russian)


In fact, I've found several websites claiming the source to be Russian. It's apparently a Russian proverb, but the best thing to do would be to email World of Quotes yourself to verify its origin.


This is becoming more and more obscure… What is the origin of this mysterious text?.

Today I have check and old and forgotten bible and in the Solomon chants doesn’t appear the phrase… I’m intrigued.


It's probably one of those phrases so widely used, borrowed, altered that the origins were lost along the way.

For example, Stop to smell the roses is apparently Danish(?), while Take the time to smell the roses is Russian(?), add to the fact that it has also become a famous quote by a golfer named Ben Hogan, found in countless poems, A search with "time" and "roses" brings a Portugese and a Persian proverb into the picture........ well

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お礼日時:2005/04/06 00:31

関心を持って私もインターネットを検索したのですが、"old saying"(古いことわざ)として紹介されている場合しかみつけることができませんでした。


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お礼日時:2005/04/04 23:49


Why is it that no matter how much some people have, it's never enough? They never are happy with whatever amount they've got? Sometimes it takes some catastrophe to make us appreciate what we have... something this key, for me, is speaking of rather than as many see it as 'wishing for something'. Kinda like that old saying--

"Stop and smell the roses!"

The wisdom of Solomon is the stuff of legend as well as his physical presence known as historical fact. In the biblical Solomon, we gain real incite into something important, Solomon asking of God for wisdom so he can rule his people well, over whom he is now a king, and receives this wisdom... but in so doing, having set aside the extremes of greed and absolute corruption, we know, usually goes with absolute power... Solomon then indeed not only gains the wisdom he asked for but also the wealth, renown, even historical place that were unasked for.

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


雅歌(がか、英:the Song of Songsあるいは、the Song of Solomon)は旧約聖書の中の一編。男女の恋の歌であり、ユダヤ教では「諸書」のうちに入る。キリスト教では伝統的に預言書の前に置かれる。1:1に「ソロモンの雅歌」として、ソロモン王の作であるとされるが、実際にそうではなく、著者名は形式的なものに過ぎない。




Thts it!!!!!, The chants of the king Solomon, from the bible... so the "author" is the King Solomon of Isrrael... Tomorrow I will handle a Bible and check it.

Stop and smell the roses, so delicate and sweet.
Breathe in the scent of God, and let your senses meet.
His hand is on creation, The Master's work of art,
Filling all your soul, with the beauty of His heart.

Exquisite are the petals, so tender, yet so strong.
He calls you to Himself, as His Spirit ever longs...
Come my sweet beloved, I draw you close to Me.
The essence of My love, I have given forth to thee.

Arise my love, my fair one, come close and feel My touch,
I have given you the flowers, for I love you very much.
The red speaks of My love, My blood poured forth for thee.
Offering My very life, to make you one with Me.

The white speaks of salvation, a gown as white as snow,
My bride without spot or wrinkle, as My Glory only shows.
The peach speaks of My flesh, as My presence touched the earth.
To walk with My beloved, and lead you to rebirth.

The yellow speaks of brightness, for I am the Light.
To shine in the midst of darkness, forever glowing bright.
Each and every flower, I have given you My Bride,
To invite you to My presence, and call you by My side.

Come to Me beloved, I am your Rose of Sharon.
Close your eyes and smell, the essence of My caring,
Yes, come My sweet beloved, I draw you close to Me,
Stop and smell the Rose, that I have given forth to thee.

I Am the Rose of Sharon, and the
Lily of the valleys. As the Lily
among thorns, so is My Love for
the daughters.
Song of Solomon 2:1,2

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お礼日時:2005/04/04 18:00

Don't forget to Stop and Smell the Roses.



参考URL:http://blog.livedoor.jp/pollock324/archives/1639 …
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お礼日時:2005/04/03 20:26
