
Four times a year, Ms Kimura and her team of volunteers collect samples of fish from the waters around the plant. They have been doing this since the lab was founded in 2011, just months after a devastating tsunami flooded the reactors, causing a radiation leak.

Except Ms Kimura is not a scientist - and neither are any of the women who run the non-profit lab, whose name Tarachine is derived from the term for "mother" in old Japanese.


A 回答 (6件)

Except*① Ms Kimura is not a scientist - and neither*② are any of the women who run the non-profit lab, whose name Tarachine is derived from the term for "mother" in old Japanese.

① Except は接続詞です。

② neither are any of the women


(この節の主語 = any of the women)
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No. 5 で挙げた英文の他に、もう一つありえます。

No one, except Ms Kimura, is a scientist.
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No. 3 での私の回答に補足します。

Except Ms Kimura is not a scientist.

この except を前置詞として解釈するのは不可能です。

Except Ms Kimura, no one is a scientist.
No one is a scientist, except for Ms. Kimura.
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「Except Ms Kimura is not a scientist」の [except] は、①「~以外は」という意味で使う前置詞ではなく、②「~ということを除いても」という接続詞です。


比べて見てください。「Except (that) Ms Kimura is not a scientist」と考えてもよいでしょう。
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おそらく質問者さんが躓いているところは、Except の意味合いでしょう。

★Except★ Ms Kimura is not a scientist - and neither are any of the women who run the non-profit lab, whose name Tarachine is derived from the term for "mother" in old Japanese.

ここでの Except は Except Ms Kimura (木村さん以外は) という意味ではなくて、Except ●that● Ms Kimura is not a scientist というふうに that を加えた方がわかりやすいと思う人もいるでしょう。そういう意味での Except は、辞書では前置詞ではなくてたぶん接続詞として紹介しているのではないかと思います。

Except Ms Kimura is not a scientist.

そのあとの and neither are any...
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