
(1)At first, the deprivation of having no one to talk with upon subjects that most deeply interested me seemed all but unbearable, but as I became acquainted I made the surprising discovery – I made it again and again in later life – that if I talked with the men and woman I met casually about things that interested them, if I drew them out, I often discovered unexpected riches of character or experience, sometimes the most delightful or amusing oddities or absurdities.
(2)Every human being has a story in him – how he has come to be what he is, how he manages, after all, to live, just to live.


A 回答 (1件)

(1) 初めのころは、私が大いに関心を抱く話題について話しあう人が誰もいないという喪失感が私にとってはほとんど耐えられないと思われました。


(2) すべての人間は、自己の内部に物語を持っています―その人がいかにして現在あるようになったか、その人が紆余曲折の後いかにして生活を、そう、単なる生活をやりくりしているか―という物語を持っているのです。
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