
1.By the time we have made up our minds, she ( ) for Japan.
①has left②is going to leave③leaves④will have left
2.A:How could you reach the airport just in time?
B:There ( ) to be a policeman, so I asked him the way.
3.I worked all day long. It was a very ( ) day today.
4.Never again ( ) beat me like that in front of my friends.
①I will have them②may be they③they should④would I let them
5.( ) she to see you, she would be delighted.
6.Whether there is enough food ( ) for the rest of us I am not sure at this moment.
7.A regular meeting is scheduled ( )other week.
8.Will you lend me the book when you ( )?
①will finish it②have finished it③will have finished④finished it
9.The short-tempered young man deeply regreted ( ) to his girlfriend as soon as he put the phone down.
①that he had said②that he has said③what he had said④what he has said

A 回答 (2件)

1.By the time we have made up our minds, she ( ) for Japan.

④will have left

2.A:How could you reach the airport just in time?
B:There (happened) to be a policeman, so I asked him the way.

3.I worked all day long. It was a very ( ) day today.

4.Never again ( ) beat me like that in front of my friends.
④would I let them

5.( ) she to see you, she would be delighted.

6.Whether there is enough food ( ) for the rest of us I am not sure at this moment.
④remained かなあ?
主格の that/which の省略で、there is 構文なら一応可能ですが。

7.A regular meeting is scheduled ( )other week.

8.Will you lend me the book when you ( )?
②have finished it

9.The short-tempered young man deeply regreted ( ) to his girlfriend as soon as he put the phone down.
③what he had said
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6 ですが、remain なら時制的には remains かな。

申し上げたように、there is 名詞の後では主格の関係代名詞の省略は可能ですが、あまり問題文に含めるのはよくないでしょう。
普通には過去分詞 left がぴったりです。
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