

(1)Joe was () to have shot the prisoner.

①believed ②ordered ③forced ④wanted

(2)For reasons () I could not understand I felt happier among those people.

①because ②that ③why ④for

(3) () so many people ill, the school decided to cancel some of the classes for one week.

①Regarding ②Reported ③Since ④With

(4) He would still be alive () he refused to go to the bauiefield then.

①if ②had ③provided ④unless

(5) The thought flashed through her mind () she was going to die.

①that ②which ③whose ④what

(6) When confronted with the result of the survey, ().

①it puzzled the politicians ②it was puzzling to the policians ③the politicians were puzzled ④what was puzzling was the politicians

(7) Mr. Tanaka was upset by () him the truth.

①us not to tell ②our not having told ③we didn't tell ④our no telling

(8) () he might have achieved, if his health had improved, it is impossible to say.

①Although ②Because ③That ④What

(9) () here are interviews with key figures in Franch cultural history.

①To include ②Included ③Including ④Include

(10) The expected decrease in sales is due to the () of commodities.

①highly rising prices ②prices rising highly ③rising highly prices ④prices highly rising

(11) He spoke of it as one might () a religious experience.

①in ②of ③to ④with

(12) We can get serious diseases such as liver cancer, which, () rare in the past, are increasing in the present.

①although ②as ③even ④for

A 回答 (2件)

(1) ①

VO to do の受身 be 過去分詞 to do という形ではどれもあり得ます。
いや、want は受身にならないか。
ここは to have shot という完了形になっているので、
「~すると信じられている」という be believed to do のみが正しくなります。

(2) ② (3) ➃ (4) ② (5) ① (6) ➂
(7) ② (8) ➃ (9) ② (10) ① (11) ②

(12) ①
although (they were) rare「まれだったけれども」
    • good
    • 0

⑴ ② ⑵ ② ⑶ ➃ ⑷ ② ⑸ ① ⑹ ➂

⑺ ② ⑻ ➃ ⑼ ② ⑽ ① ⑾② ⑿ ➂
    • good
    • 0

