
(1)Should you find my dog, I will give you anything you want.
(2)But for you kind help, I would have to give up the whole project.
(3)Conditions being favorable, he might be able to succeed in the business.


A 回答 (2件)

(1) If you find my dog, I will give you anything you want.

(2) If it had not been for your kind help, I would have to give up the whole project.

(3) If conditions are favorable, he might be able to succeed in the business.
    • good
    • 1

(1) If you should find my dog, ...

should があるからそのまま使います。

(2) If it were not for your kind help, ...
主節が would have to ... という仮定法過去なので、それに合わせて were です。


3 は分詞構文で if 節の代わりですか。
might があるので、仮定法過去として
If conditions were favorable が正解なんでしょう。

    • good
    • 0
