
1Could you add six day's worth of sleeping pills, besides the 20 days' worth that you usually prescribe.

2 On top of 20 day's worth of sleeping pills that you usually prescribe, I would like to have six days' worth of extra sleeping pills.
thatが指しているのは20 day's worth of sleeping pillsで20 day'sがつまるところ単数ということでよろしいでしょうか?またworth of this sleeping pillと特定して示すことは可能でしょうか?
「Could you add six day's worth of this sleeping pill, besides the 20 days' worth that you usually prescribe」
「On top of /In addition to 20 day's worth of this sleeping pill that you usually prescribe, I would like to have six days' worth of extra sleeping pills.


A 回答 (1件)


1は、worthのあとにsleeping pillsが省略されていて、「あなたがいつも処方してくれる20日分相当(の睡眠薬)の他に」となり、thatの関係代名詞節は、20 days' worth of sleeping pills を先行詞として持ちます。
    • good
    • 0
