
※1The second telegram was sent through Shanghai to Japanese military leaders, advocating for a three-day cease-fire so the Chinese could withdraw from the city. The following day, on December 10, Rabe got his answer from the Generalissimo. The American ambassador in Hankow replied that although he supported Rabe's proposal for a cease-fire, Chiang did not. Rabe says that the ambassador also "sent us a separate confidential telegram telling us that he has been officially informed by the Foreign Ministry in Hankow that our understanding that General Tang agreed to a three-day armistice and the withdrawal of his troops from Nanjing is mistaken, and moreover that Chiang Kai-shek has announced that he is not in a position to accept such an offer."
This rejection of the Committee's cease-fire plan, in Rabe's mind, sealed the fate of the city.
※2 Nanjing had been constantly bombed for days and the Chinese troops that remained there were disheartened and had taken to drinking before the city's inevitable fall. On December 11, Rabe found that Chinese soldiers were still residing in areas of the Safety Zone, meaning that it became an intended target for Japanese attack despite the majority were innocent civilians.※3 Rabe commented on how efforts to remove these Chinese troops failed and Japanese soldiers began to lob grenades into the refugee Zone.

※1の, advocating for は分詞構文だと考えるのですが、advocate forの表現がそもそも自動詞用法がadvocateには載ってないようなので解説頂ければ幸いです。
※2 had taken to drinking は直訳では「酒飲みになっていた」と考えるのですがつまり、「士気が下がっていた、若しくは暴徒化した」のような意味になるのでしょうか?

※3のon how以降の構文ですが、remove these Chinese troops 後のfailed,そしてand後は節になっている部分がうまく掴めないのですが、意訳を添えて説明いただきたく思います。


A 回答 (1件)

それでも、advocate for ~で


on の後、how 節。
前置詞の後に that 節はこないので、

いずれにせよ、how 節として
efforts to remove these Chinese troops が主語(不定詞の形容詞的用法、ないし同格で「~する努力」)
failed で動詞、
で and をはさんでまた SV
how 節内で、SV and SV とつながっているだけです。
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2017/10/20 23:53

