
Choose the correct word for each sentence.
1. I have had days ( when / where) I thought there was very little hope
2. Fantasy novels sometimes describe a world ( how / where ) there is a lot of love.
3. He worked hard and finally passed the exam. This is ( how who ) his dream
came true.
4. There is no reason ( what / why ) you cannot do it.

1 when
2 how
3 who
4 why


A 回答 (1件)

1 when ○

2 how × → where
3 who × → how
4 why ○

2. Fantasy novels sometimes describe a world ( how / where ) there is a lot of love.

Fantasy novels sometimes describe a world
There is a lot of love in the world.
(There is a lot of love in this way. → 意味なし)

3. He worked hard and finally passed the exam. This is ( how who ) his dream came true.

This is how こういう風にして
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2018/01/16 04:23
