
An answerer Mx No.1 to the question says "logical reading". It forbiddon me to say something two times or more. However in space the sun is double counted by a solar system and the Milky Way Galaxy, in time the design, a notice, a cancel and a restart are not plurally counted by Planned Suspension =
 design x(notice x(cancel + restart) + cancel + restart)+
 notice x(cancel + restart)+
 cancel +
. Please note that linked is the question right away https://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/11565398.html "Would you correct following such a passage please?". Could you please tell me what is "logical reading"?


  • A:Big furious bears ran quickly.
    B:Coloress green ideas sleep furiously.
    C:Calvin Schultz is our Marketing Director.
    D:Our Maketing Director is Calvin Schultz.
    E:The human being is a primate.
    F:A primate is the human being.

          A B C D E F
    a sentence  レ レ レ レ レ レ 
    a sence   レ レ レ レ X レ
    logical    レ レ レ レ X レ
    a poem   レ レ X X X レ
    a flaw    X X X X レ X

    No.2の回答に寄せられた補足コメントです。 補足日時:2020/04/15 05:20
  •   補足日時:2020/04/15 05:23
  • Would you please tell me how about a sentence of "The tranport design, a notice, a cancel and a restart are Planned Suspention." in logical reading? I replace a subject with complements.

      補足日時:2020/04/15 05:24
  • I cite "名[しばしば P~]C[[アングリカン]]大主教;[[カトリ]]首座大司教|| the P~ of All England カンタベリーの大主教 / the P~ of England ヨークの大主教." from Konishi Tomoshichi, Genius English-Japanese Dictionary Second Edition, Taishukan, p.1400, primate. If "p" is lower case, a primate means a member of the group of animals that includes humans and monkeys.

      補足日時:2020/04/16 07:31
  • First supplimentary commentary has eight mistakes. a correction which replace x with レ between right and left side by side four times is bellow. I'm sorry.

         E F
    a sence  X レ
    logical  X レ
    a poem  X レ
    a flaw  レ X
         E F
    a sence  レ X
    logical   レ X
    a poem  レ X
    a flaw  X レ

      補足日時:2020/04/16 07:33
  • Words
     query: https://www.lexico.com/definition/query
     hold: https://www.lexico.com/definition/hold as intransitive verb

    Be verb works two ways. First way is eqale as A = B. Second way is belong as C ∈ B. Both ways work as C, D,… and N = B.

    No.4の回答に寄せられた補足コメントです。 補足日時:2020/04/19 05:19
  • Abbreviations:
    There are 1.more before, 2.a forming, 3.the day before, 4.then, 5.after. P.S. is Planned Suspension. D. is the transport design. N. is a notice. C. is a cancel. R. is a restart.
     These are used in the seventh supplementary comment.

      補足日時:2020/04/19 05:24
  • While a typhoon hits a capital area, trains are in warehouse and railway companies announce a stoppage. After a typhoon go away lines are reopened and railway companies announce R.

          a typhoon moveing
    1.    2. 3.   4.   5.
    D.xC.    N.xC. N.xC. N.xR.
    D.xR.    N.xR. C.   R.

      補足日時:2020/04/19 05:37
  • Could you please tell me how about a sentence of "D.xC., D.xR., D.xN.xC., D.xN.xR., N.xC. in advance, N.xR. in advance, C., N.xC. on the typhoon's way, R. and N.xR. after the typhoon are P.S." in logical reading? Ten elements are diferent from each other.

      補足日時:2020/04/19 05:39
  • Definition: {C, D, E} = B. "be" has some Subjects which complement has. "consist of" has to have all Objects which subject has.
    subject  verb complements/object
       C   is      B.
       D   is      B.
       E   is      B.
    C and D   are     B.
    D and E   are     B.
    E and C   are     B.
    C, D and E are     B.
       B consists of C, D and E.

      補足日時:2020/04/23 05:57

A 回答 (4件)

Oops. I forget to answer to your query.

"The tranport design, a notice, a cancel and restart are Planned Suspension." IILOGICAL
Because what you tried to say was:
Planned Suspension is the transport design. Logical
The transport design is Planned Suspension. Logical
The above says: If "A = B" holds, then "B = A" also holds

Planned Suspension is the transport design, a notice, a cancel and restart.
The above is made out of following three sentences.

①Planned Suspension is the transport design. A=B構文
②Planned Suspension is a notice. A≠B構文
③Planned Suspension is a cancel and restart. A≠B構文

① already explained
② A notice is Planned Suspension.
It's logical only if you say that A notice belongs to Planned Suspension. but IILOGICAL if you say that A notice is equal to Planned Suspension.
③ same as ②

Planned Suspension is the transport design, a notice, a cancel and restart.

Planned Suspension is the transport design for a notice. Logical
The transport design for a notice is Planned Suspension. Logical and A=B構文

Planned Suspension is the transport design for a notice of a cancel and restart. Logical
The transport design for a notice of a cancel and restart is Planned Suspension. Logical and A=B構文
    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2020/04/19 05:15


そんなに難しい話ではないんですがlogicl reading & thinkingができていない証明ですね。簡単に言えば、その文章が理論的か否かと言うことです。

C:Calvin Schultz is our Marketing Director. Logical
D:Our Maketing Director is Calvin Schultz. Logical
E:The human being is a primate Logical
F:A primate is the human being. ILLOGICAL
G:A primate is not the human being. Logical
"The tranport design, a notice, a cancel and a restart are Planned Suspention." ILLOGICAL


"Be" verb is known as copula or linking verb which links the subject of a sentence to a subject complement, such as the word is in the sentence "The sky is blue." If the subject complement is a noun, it becomes a sentence with two meanings.
1) (the subject of a sentence) = (subject complement) which is a example of the above C:. That's reason (the subject of a sentence) can be interchanged to (subject complement) in D:

2) In case of the above E:, it means that the subjec belongs to the class or group of the complement. In other words, if you draw a big cirle and little circle and put the small one to the big one, the big circle becomes "the complement" and the small circle the subject.

「Be」動詞は、コピュラまたはリンク動詞として知られています。これは、文の主語を主語の補語にリンクします。たとえば、「空は青いです」という単語が含まれます。 主語の補語が名詞の場合、2つの意味を持つ文になります。
1)(文の主語)=(主語の補数)これは上記のC:の場合です。 その理由(文の主語)は、Dでは(主語の補語)に置き換えることができます。
2)上記のE:の場合、「文の主語」が「主語補語」のクラスまたはグループに属することを意味します。 大きな円と小さな円を描き、小さな円を大きな円に入れると、大きな円が「主語の補語」、小さな円が「文の主語」になります。 つまり、「霊長類」は大きな輪であり、「人間」は小さな輪です。 googl翻訳

分かります?F:A primate is the human being. がILLOGICALなのは「大きい輪」が「小さい輪」に属する(の中に入る)と言うから理論的でない。

"The tranport design, a notice, a cancel and a restart are Planned Suspension."


”Planned Suspension consits of the transport design, a notice, cancel and a restart."
”Planned Suspension is the transport design, a notice, a cancel and a resart."

Based on the above, my interpretation of your statement about the universe will be, for your easy reference, below:

Your statement: The universe consists of the Milky Way galaxy, the solar system, 13 planets, and the satellites that orbit them.
Logical statement: The universe consists of the Milky Way galaxy, the Andrometa galaxy, and countless other galaxies.
Logical statement: The Milky Way galaxy consits of the solar sytem, 2,500 stars with planets orbiting them, and other countless stars.
Logical statement: The solar system consists of 13 planets and the satellites that orbit them.

Milky Way Galaxy :天の川銀河 (あまのがわぎんが、Milky Way Galaxy )は 太陽系 を含む 銀河 の名称である 。
Solar System:太陽系 (たいようけい、Solar System)とは、 太陽 および、その 重力 で周囲を直接的、あるいは間接的に 公転 する 天体 から構成される 惑星系 である。

Oという丸がある。一番大きい丸とする。そしてOの中に入るa,b, c の丸を3つ作る。Oの中に3つの丸を重複しないようにならべる。そのとき、
O consits of a, b, and c.(Oは、a、b、およびcで構成されます)。と言える。O is a, b, and cOは(a、b、cです。)とも言える。Oはa、b、cです。
O consits of a, b, and c.(Oは、a、b、およびcで構成されます)前者の例題のa,b, c は同じClass/Groupしかし後者はcはbの一部でbはaの一部となってる。
上記3つのlogical statementはClass/Groupごとに区分けをして説明してるがYour statementは3つのClass/Groupのなかの1つの例をだし羅列している。

>太陽系は13の惑星、およびそれらを周回する衛星で構成されています。 Logical 

    • good
    • 1

Thank you very much.

お礼日時:2020/04/16 07:30


Big furious bears ran quickly.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
This sentence is not "non-sentence". That is, nouns and verbs are not in strange places. It's hard to understand its meaning. However, It will be fine and acceptable if in poetry or lyrics.

The above would be the world of semantics. 意味論としてのお題になるだろうが我らがその意味を知る必要はない。Think about what logical reading or thinking is based on "be" verb.

Calvin Schultz is our Marketing Director.
Our Marketing Director is Calvin Schultz .
The human being is a primate.

A primate is the human being.
How is this? As in the previous example, you can't find any gramatical error. Yet, it sounds strange,doesn't it. Can it be used in poetry or lyrics? I think it would be impossible. Why? It's not logical nor theoretical.
You have to determine if its logic is sound or slightly flawed. If you understand the flaws of the last example, think about a normal statement and three of yours.

normal statement: The universe consists of the Milky Way galaxy, the Andrometa galaxy, and countless other galaxies.
your statement: The universe consists of the Milky Way galaxy, the solar system, 13 planets, and the satellites that orbit them.
your statement: Planned Suspension consists of the transport design, a notice, a cancel and a restart.
your statement: Planned Suspension is the transport design, a notice, a cancel and restart.


flawがあればlogicalな文にならない。このことを視点に置いて文章を理解することをlogical thinking/reading/writingと言う。
    • good
    • 1

Thank you very much.

お礼日時:2020/04/15 05:14

I don't no.

    • good
    • 1

Good morning.

お礼日時:2020/04/13 05:09
