
以下の英文はリンクの記事の一部ですが、第一段落の中に "Booking.com filed its brief for the respoondent in the case last week ..." という文の中の "respondent" とは具体的に誰を指しているかが理解できません。分かる方ご教授下さい。
https://www.ipwatchdog.com/2020/02/19/booking-co …

November, the U.S. Supreme Court granted a petition for certiorari filed by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) asking the Court to consider “Whether the addition by an online business of a generic top-level domain (“.com”) to an otherwise generic term can create a protectable trademark.” Booking.com filed its brief for the respondent in the case last week, arguing that “under the Lanham Act, the consumer is king,” and the fact that survey evidence has proven 74.8% of relevant consumers to consider BOOKING.COM a brand, rather than a generic name, “should end this case.”

In its July 2019 petition, the USPTO argued that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit’s holding that “.com” when added to “booking” was sufficient to make the term protectable as a trademark, “so long as the relevant public would understand the combination to refer to a specific business,” is contrary to “established principles of trademark law, and it conflicts with decisions of the Federal and Ninth Circuits, the only other courts of appeals that have considered the protectability of ‘generic.com’ terms.” The Federal Circuit has found in previous cases that marks including “HOTELS.COM” and “LAWYERS.COM” were not protectable “based on highly similar evidence,” said the petition.

A 回答 (2件)


アメリカだけでなく世界で広く利用されている予約サイトに Booking.com というサイトがありますが、この Booking.com という名前が商標登録できるかどうかという問題です。

① Booking.comの運営会社がBooking.comの商標登録を米国特許商標局(USPTO) に申請。 米国特許商標局は、”Bookin”gも “. com” も一般的な名称 (generic name)なのでBooking.com と言う名の商標登録は認められないとして申請を却下。

② Booking.com 側は特許商標局の申請却下を不服として控訴裁判所(Court of Appeals)に控訴。 結果、控訴裁判所は一般人の多くはbooking.comを特定な名称と受け止めているので商標登録は認められるべきだ判断。
③ 今度は、特許許商標局が控訴裁判所の判断を不服とし米最高裁判所にの判断の審理を申請。

この記事の段階は③の段階です。これは裁判ではないので、それぞれappellant、respondent と呼ばれます。

以上からご質問の respondent は控訴裁判所のことで、Booking.com 側は最高裁に控訴裁判所の判断にそった同社の意見趣意書を提出したということのようです。
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お礼日時:2020/06/22 15:34


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お礼日時:2020/06/22 15:32
