

A new type of history is needed, as well as a new type of science. ( 1 ) when history meant the recorded account of the past few thousand years. ( 2 ) the period when the various civilizations could be explained through the sequence of their political regimes, and the listing of battles fought ( 3 ). The period is also gone when we could deal with the human story ( 4 ) the life story, or the Earth story, or the universe story.

1 are 2 past 3 we 4 the time 5 long

1 As history may be 2 Gone, too, is 3 However, as
4 Therefore, during 5 The time we are living

1 and treaties made 2 for a new type of history
3 only on a single day 4 outside of the Earth
5 with the universe

④ 1 apart form 2 arising from 3 as part of
4 just as we are able to deal with 5 told in terms of

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