

→ Relocated to the western most part of the Tatemonoen site is a thatched-roof farmhouse called "Yoshino Family. It was built in the late Edo period. The former location was Nozaki, Mitaka City, which was Nozaki Village, Tama-gun, Musashi Province in the Edo period. In the latter half of the Edo period, Nozaki Village was mainly a field farming area where barley, wheat, rape, and millet were grown because the water supply was not very good.
After the Meiji era (1868-1912), sericulture was actively practiced by many farmers. After the war, sericulture declined, and vegetable farming became the mainstream.


→ The pillars and shedwork of the building are still the same as when it was first built, but the edges and fittings have been replaced with new ones. In general, the floor plan is the same as the original. The building was moved and restored during the Musashino Folk Museum period in 1963, and has been preserved in good condition to this day.


A 回答 (2件)



日本語原文: 武蔵野郷土館時代の昭和38年(1963)に移築・復元され、良好な状態で保存され現在に至っています。
あなたの英訳案: The building was moved and restored during the Musashino Folk Museum period in 1963,

"during the Musashino Folk Museum period" というふうにそのまま直訳したような表現は、おそらく英語にはないと思います。別の普通の言い回しに変えた方がいいですね。たとえば

in 1963, when it contained the Musashino Folk Museum

    • good
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(1) called "Yoshino Family.

なぜ " という quotation mark が1カ所だけについているのですか?

(2) a field farming area

(3) After the Meiji era (1868-1912),

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