
答えと、何でそうなるのか解説をお願いしますm(_ _)m

5.I hope <(1)you all> <(2)to come> to class at least <(3)10 minutes earlier> <(4)tomorrow morning>.

6.John <(1)is resembling> his late <(2)grandfather> <(3)in appearance> <(4)but not in character>.

11. <(1)I am going> <(2)to do> <(3) my homework> <(4)when> <(5)I will > <(6)get home> <(7)this evening.>

16. <(1)At first> he was <(2)afraid to speak> up, but as time passed he <(3)became> to express his opinion frankly.

19. He <(1)has a difficulty> <(2)finding> her house. It was behind the church instead of <(3)across the street> <(4)from the church>.

20 I <(1)should spend> the rest of the evening. <(2)study, > but I <(3)would rather watch> my favorite show <(4)on television>.

22 The scandal <(1)was brought to light ,> and, <(2)What> was more <(3)surprised,> nobody tried <(4)to keep > it a secret.

26 <(1)On> <(2)the> <(3)moment> <(4)he > <(5)saw> <(6)me>, <(7)he> < (8)waved> <(9)to> <(10)me>.

28 <(1)When> I <(2)reach retirement age > in 1997, I <(3)work> <(4)for the> <(5)construction company> for thirty-five years.

29 Many young people would <(1)rather > spend money on what they want <(2)than> <(3)to> save for the rainy day.

32 There is <(1)little,> <if some,> difference <(3)between them>.

36 <(1)I couldn’t> <(2)go to the concert> <(3)yesterday evening,> <(4)because the trains> <(5)weren’t running, and> <(6)no taxi> <(7)was available, too.>

37 He’s <(1)very> good <(2)at > tennis, but he’s not <(3)most > of a <(4)swimmer>.

43 These shoes <(1)cost me > more than I <(2)had expected>. Two hundred dollars <(3)were > <(4)too much for me>.

46 Not until <(1)then> <(2)I had > thought <(3)of marrying > < (4)that blonde.>

(4) <(1)Despite> the time of the year, <(2)yesterday’s> temperature was <(3)enough hot > < (4)to turn on > the air conditioning.

(7) I suggest <(1)that> she <(2)go> <(3)to the doctor> as soon as she <(4)will return> from taking the exam.

(9) Max would rather <(1)to be fishing> <(2)from his boat> in the lake <(3)than > sitting <(4)at his desk> in the office.

A 回答 (1件)


5.I hope <(1)you all> <(2)to come> to class at least <(3)10 minutes earlier> <(4)tomorrow morning>.

(2) to come → will come
want と違って,hopeはhope + O + to do という形はとれません。hope + that節です。

6.John <(1)is resembling> his late <(2)grandfather> <(3)in appearance> <(4)but not in character>.

(1) is resembling → resembles
resembleは状態を表す動詞で進行形にはできません。I know him. であって,I am knowing him. ではないのと同じです。

11. <(1)I am going> <(2)to do> <(3) my homework> <(4)when> <(5)I will > <(6)get home> <(7)this evening.>

(5) I will → I
when 以下は副詞節。副詞節の中の未来は現在形で代用です。

16. <(1)At first> he was <(2)afraid to speak> up, but as time passed he <(3)became> to express his opinion frankly.

(3) became → came
「~するようになる」は,come to 動詞の原形です。become は使えません。

19. He <(1)has a difficulty> <(2)finding> her house. It was behind the church instead of <(3)across the street> <(4)from the church>.

(1) has a difficulty → had a difficulty

20 I <(1)should spend> the rest of the evening. <(2)study, > but I <(3)would rather watch> my favorite show <(4)on television>.

(2) study → studying
spend … ~ing で,「~して…を過ごす」ですね。ちなみに,(2)の前のピリオドは不要。

22 The scandal <(1)was brought to light ,> and, <(2)What> was more <(3)surprised,> nobody tried <(4)to keep > it a secret.

(3) surprised → surprising
surprise は他動詞なので,「驚かせる」という原因・事柄を言うときは,~ing形。「驚いた」と結果・人を言うときは,~ed形です。

26 <(1)On> <(2)the> <(3)moment> <(4)he > <(5)saw> <(6)me>, <(7)he> < (8)waved> <(9)to> <(10)me>.

(1) On → 削除
The moment … で,「…するやいなや」という意味になります。前置詞は不要。

28 <(1)When> I <(2)reach retirement age > in 1997, I <(3)work> <(4)for the> <(5)construction company> for thirty-five years.

(2) reach retirement age → reached retirement age
(3) work → had been working

29 Many young people would <(1)rather > spend money on what they want <(2)than> <(3)to> save for the rainy day.

(3) to → 削除
rather A than B で,AとBは文法的に同等のもの。would に続くので,spend と save ともに原形不定詞がきます。

32 There is <(1)little,> <if some,> difference <(3)between them>.

(2) if some → if any
if there are any の省略で「もしあれば」の意味なので。

36 <(1)I couldn’t> <(2)go to the concert> <(3)yesterday evening,> <(4)because the trains> <(5)weren’t running, and> <(6)no taxi> <(7)was available, too.>

(7) was available, too. → was available, either.
否定文では too ではなく, either です。

37 He’s <(1)very> good <(2)at > tennis, but he’s not <(3)most > of a <(4)swimmer>.

(3) most → much
not much of a … で,「たいした…ではない」という意味になります。したがって,問題文は,「彼はテニスはとても得意ですが,泳ぎはいまいちです。」という感じ。

43 These shoes <(1)cost me > more than I <(2)had expected>. Two hundred dollars <(3)were > <(4)too much for me>.

(3) were → was
「200ドル」で一つの「金額」になるので,単数扱いです。Ten years is a long time. と同じ。

46 Not until <(1)then> <(2)I had > thought <(3)of marrying > < (4)that blonde.>

(2) I had → had I
Not until then が文頭に来て,その後は倒置構文になります。

(4) <(1)Despite> the time of the year, <(2)yesterday’s> temperature was <(3)enough hot > < (4)to turn on > the air conditioning.

(3) enough hot → hot enough

(7) I suggest <(1)that> she <(2)go> <(3)to the doctor> as soon as she <(4)will return> from taking the exam.

(4) will return → returns
as soon as…examは副詞節。副詞節の中の未来は現在形で表します。

(9) Max would rather <(1)to be fishing> <(2)from his boat> in the lake <(3)than > sitting <(4)at his desk> in the office.

(1) to be fishing → be fishing
would rather のあとは,原形です。

    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2009/09/22 18:44
