【大喜利】【投稿~9/18】 おとぎ話『桃太郎』の知られざるエピソード

Acceptable verification information includes one of the following:

(1)A copy of the credit card used to order, with only the last 4
digits showing AND a copy of your government issued ID (Credit Card
orders only)
(2)A copy of a statement from a service provider or financial
institution, that shows the billing address submitted during checkout
(Credit Card or PayPal orders)

For the security-minded among you, we are able to accept PGP-encrypted
emails. It is not mandatory to encrypt your response, so if you have no
idea what we're talking about, don't sweat it. Further information,
including our public key and fingerprint, can be found at the following

A 回答 (3件)



送られてきたメールに、特に"This e-mail address is not available for reply.(このアドレスは返信用にはご利用になれません)”などの表記がなければそのまま返信でも大丈夫なはずです。
    • good
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お礼日時:2009/12/26 11:54


    • good
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    • good
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credit card the last 4 : ××××

Order ID: ○○○○○

I am unskillful English.
Thank you for your recent order with ThinkGeek. We recently sent you an
email requesting verification information for your purchase. We haven稚
heard back from you yet, so we池e sending this email as a reminder.

The quickest way to verify your order is to call our customer care number
and verbally provide us with a few key pieces of information.

Our customer care team can be reached at 888-GEEK-STUFF (433-5788) if you
are located within the US. If you are calling from outside the US, you
can reach us at 703-293-6299. Please reference your order number,
#○○○○, when calling.

If you are unable to contact us via telephone you may also provide
verification via email or fax.You may reply to this email with
appropriate verification information or fax it to 650-248-2023. If you
are faxing the information, please make sure to reference your order ID
on the coversheet.

Acceptable verification information includes one of the following:

(1)A copy of the credit card used to order, with only the last 4
digits showing AND a copy of your government issued ID (Credit Card
orders only)
(2)A copy of a statement from a service provider or financial
institution, that shows the billing address submitted during checkout
(Credit Card or PayPal orders)

For the security-minded among you, we are able to accept PGP-encrypted
emails. It is not mandatory to encrypt your response, so if you have no
idea what we're talking about, don't sweat it. Further information,
including our public key and fingerprint, can be found at the following


お礼日時:2009/12/26 09:46
