








A 回答 (3件)


I’m glad to hear you met your parents again after so long.

I think your parents were also happy to see you after a long interval.

I’m sure you all enjoyed BBQ.

I was soaked with sweat when I climbed up the mountain, because hot weather continues in Tokyo even now.

The mountain that I climbed up is not Mt. Fuji.

I sweated several times much than the time I went to Osaka before.

I’d like to see you again though the days haven’t passed away so many since I met last month.

一生懸命作成しました。 ご参考に!
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お礼日時:2010/09/10 20:01

It is good that you could meet your parents again after a long time.

Your parents would be glad to be able to meet you, too.

You must have enjoyed the BBQ.

Because it is still so hot in Tokyo, I was drenched with sweat by the mountain climbing.

The mountain which I climbed was not Mt. Fuji.

I sweated several times as much as I did the last time I went to Osaka.

I want to see you again though I saw you last month.
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Good ready reunite your parents after a long!

Their parents even after a long meeting you would be happy.

Surely, everyone in the BBQ was surely fun huh

It came from a mountaineering is still followed Tokyo heat I'm sweat-.

I've climbed the mountain is not Mt. Fuji

When this before I went to Osaka from sweaty many times.

I met last month, but I just want to meeting you.
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